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Name : Laura N.

My Reviews

Boring, Inspiring, Slow
We spent almost 2 hours in a wonderful discussion on this book!

It was so interesting to spend some time in another person's life which is so different from our own. It made us much more aware of the power of meditation and how much more there is to yoga. I think we could all say that we took something away from this book that we will be able to build upon to lead a more peaceful life.

Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
This book provided alot to discuss from the mistreatment of animals to the fate of many elderly people.

On the whole our book club enjoyed this book. It was hard for many to read about the mistreatment of the animals in the circus, and yet it brought to light a subject that many of us had never explored. We also talked alot about the elderly and how they are so often mistreated themselves and forgotten by many.

The Christmas Pearl by Dorothea Benton Frank
Fun, Optimistic, Inspiring
Brought back wonderful new and old memories of Christmas.

We had a bit of nostalgia last night while we met to discuss "The Christmas Pearl." We began by cooking several of the recipes Ms. Frank provided in her book. The food was great! We then reminisced about our own childhood Christmases and even those of our parents. We even had a few "Pearl"s in our past which was fun to hear about. A delightful book!

A tough read but well worth it!

I went back and reread much of the book because I felt I got too lost in the large number of characters the first time to really get a good handle on the story. I really like historical fiction and this book certainly gave us much to think about and discuss.

What the Dead Know by Laura Lippman
Confusing, Interesting, Unconvincing
Two of our members figured out part of the ending!

It took me awhile to really want to keep reading this book, however, once I got into it I really wanted to know the rest of the story. It provided enough discussion for our club to make it a good meeting. Our final rating was a 3.5.

The Senator's Wife by Sue Miller
Boring, Pointless, Unconvincing
Not our favorite so far, but it created quite a discussion!

I rely alot on reviews for our Book Club choices and going into "The Senator's Wife" I knew that it would probably not be our favorite. However, it did cause quite a lively discussion and many, many laughs. We toasted to Delia and Meri with a glass of champagne and then began to discuss the character's lives and the path their story took them on. It was alot of fun!

Down River by John Hart
Interesting, Romantic, Dramatic
Such a great read!

Our book club actually gave this book a 4.2 rating. I was a little surprised it wasn't a little bit higher because everyone thoroughly enjoyed the book. And our group was excited to hear that it had just won the Edgar award for this year. If you're a mystery fan it's a must read!

Inspiring, Informative, Insightful
What can we do ourselves do now that we have read this inspirational book?

Having been in elementary education for 10 years I fully understand Greg Mortenson's drive for building schools in an area that so desperately needed them. It is such a thought provoking book and earned our book club's first 5 star rating! That about says it all.

Epic, Dramatic, Adventurous
Despite the length it was one of our highest rated picks!

I enjoyed the book despite it's length. There were times it seemed that Ken Follett could have shortened some of his chapters but his passion for his fictional account of the historical period were made quite evident in his descriptive nature throughout the book. One of our members is reading the sequel and has thoroughly enjoyed it. It is longer than the first!

Adventurous, Romantic, Fun
A fun easy read for our meeting in October!

Our book club's rating was actually a 3.5 for this book. We enjoyed this easy read and some have gone on to read the second book in this series.

Run: A Novel by Ann Patchett
Adventurous, Inspiring, Insightful
One of my favorite book club selections!

This is one of our clubs highest rated books so far. It was a great read and gave us much to discuss. I have gone on to pick up 3 more of Ann Patchett's books and can't wait to read them.

Fun, Adventurous, Romantic
An easy, quick, humorous read.

Many of us didn't want to like this book but ended up enjoying it alot. We had not read any of her other books so we did not know what to expect. Her writing is very funny. My one complaint is that her use of the "F" word was not necessary. Other than that it was a fun read.

Dramatic, Interesting, Dark
One of my favorites!

This is our 17th book in our book club choices and it was definitely one of my favorites. While the author did seem to get bogged down in some of his descriptions it was also this factor that made his book so interesting. Watching Oprah's webcast also made it so much more meaningful because we got to hear the author's insights for a lot of the book. Whether you are a dog lover or not this book is a must read!

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows
Informative, Interesting, Fun
What an endearing, lovely book!

This book received our highest rating yet. Some of the factors contributing to that included the format, the rich characterization, the subject matter and the feeling the authors gave us that we wished we had known these people. It was a true delight!

Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Gloomy
Olive is a character that will long be remembered!

While this book was not one of my all time favorites it was a story that will be remembered for the richness of the main character and the people she had some effect on in her life. It was very well written and you couldn't help but be drawn into the character's lives.

Blue Heaven by C.J. Box
Book Club Recommended
Blue ribbon story!

This was the first book I had read by C.J. Box but it won't be the last. This was a great mystery. A good choice for a quick read because you will not want to put it down!

Poorly Written, Unconvincing, Pointless
Not one of her best!

While the book kept my interest until the end I just did not think that this was one of Ms. Frank's best works. Knowing that she can do so much better I was disappointed. It's an o.k. read for the summer but not much there for a good book club discussion.

Loving Frank: A Novel by Nancy Horan
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Dramatic
A very gifted man with some character flaws!

What an insight into the love of Frank Lloyd Wright's life. A true love story which ended tragically.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Beautiful
One of my favorite book club books!

Markus Zusak is a gifted writer and has written a wonderful story about a young orphan and Nazi Germany. He pulls at your heart strings and yet still offers some hope that some people did endure that horific time in our world's history. I can definitely see it as a book I will reread one day.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Interesting
This book brought back fond memories of "our help."

So many of our members who grew up in the South had their own fond memories of their special "Constantine" or "Minny." Those of us that didn't still enjoyed the ability of the author to capture that time in our history, especially in the South. There were so many times that I either laughed out loud or smiled while reading this book. It is a jewel and only one of two books that have gotten our highest rating among our members.

South of Broad by Pat Conroy
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Dark
Wonderful story set in Charleston, SC.

Our book club members live about 2-1/2 hours from Charleston and so we loved reading about places that we have seen and love. Charleston is a wonderful historic city and Conroy has crafted a very good book with eccentric characters whose backdrop is in this location. It's a good read!

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Insightful, Life Changing
We are all made from the same cloth!

What an inspiring and thought provoking book. I think our book club could have talked all night about how it had impacted us in one way or another. And it brought such admiration for the real life characters. We should all take a lesson from this book and act upon it.

City of Thieves: A Novel by David Benioff
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
Great characterization in a difficult story.

The author has created 2 wonderful characters that are Russian during WWII. One is a Jew and the other a deserter from the army. While the entire story covers about a one week period it seems like it is much longer. You grow to care about the 2 main characters and how their lives have been affected by the task thrust upon them.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
What a cast of characters!

Our book club had mixed reviews with several members not finishing the book. I think the opening chapter of 70 pages threw alot of members off. On the other hand, several of us did read the entire book and enjoyed it. It averaged 3.5 stars out of 5 for us. The authors characterization is quite remarkable! Worth the read but you have to stick with it at first. Don't give up!

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Romantic, Beautiful
A favorite book revisited!

I read this book before attending college and it instantly became one of my all time favorites. Rereading it almost 40 years later did not change my opinion. I still thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a true classic. Our book club has decided to read one classic a year now.

Stitches: A Memoir by David Small
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Dramatic, Brilliant
What a great form of therapy for the author and his readers as well.

Wow! What a difficult childhood put to a story through mainly pictures. It was brilliant. And, we had so much to talk about. An unusual pick for our club but I'm so glad we read it.

The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Inspiring, Dramatic
An adventure you won't forget any time soon.

This book provided our book club one of the best discussions we've ever had. We are all parents and some even grandparents now so it was so interesting to discuss this family's lives. How did this family's ideals and values differ from ours? It was quite a moving memoir and one we won't forget any time soon.

The Last Child by John Hart
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Interesting
Another great one from John Hart!

This is the second book our club has read by John Hart. He is a great mystery writer and this story does not disappoint. So many clues as to the outcome that we did not predict. The book does have it's sad moments but it is still a great read.

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Interesting
For true book lovers!

Most of our book club said it did take them quite a few pages to really get into the book. But once you did it was worth it. One of the few books to rate a 5 out of our club. The author is brilliant.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Dramatic
A heroine you won't forget!

Aminata is a character in books that will long be remembered. The author did a brilliant job of creating a story that evolved around this female slave. Her resiliency is to be admired.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Fun, Insightful
You had to fall in love with Major Pettigrew!

All of our members loved this book. It was a breath of fresh air to read and will be at the top of our list of all time great reads.

A different choice for us!

Some of our members had a hard time finding this book. Looks like they only print so many at a time. We had fun though talking about some of the "recipes" that members had tried. Some worked, some didn't.

Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
A perfect book club choice.

It's almost as if the author knew while writing this book that it would be a top choice for book clubs. It provided a great discussion. The story was tough but worth the read.

Dissolution by C.J. Sansom
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Dramatic
A great first book in a series with the main character of Master Shardlake.

Our club had not read anything that revolved around the Tudor period so for me it was an interesting read and one that wanted me to learn more about this part in history. It was a great mystery and I will continue to read about this fascinating character.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
A story that needed to be told.

The Paris Wife: A Novel by Paula Mclain
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Insightful
An interesting look at a wild couple who were addicted to each other, at least for awhile.

This book brought to light a time in history that seemed so over the edge at times. It definitely made me want to know more about Hadley and Ernest as much as to their lives after the marriage fell apart.

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Adventurous
Keep a note pad handy!

I really enjoyed this book, but I had to write down characters names and their association with each other to keep them straight. It really did take about 1/2 way through the book to get everyone straight. Having said that, it is an interesting story and the conclusion is worth the wait.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Adventurous
Enjoyable read about an interesting event in art history.

It took me a little while to get into this book but once I did I thoroughly enjoyed it. Had no idea the Mona Lisa had been stolen. It will make you want to research more on this topic on the internet.

Home Front: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Inspiring
One of our favorite books in the past year.

All of our members said they had a hard time putting this book down. It is very heart wrenching and yet inspiring. We all need to realize what veterans of any war go through and what we need to do to help them once they come home no matter what shape they are in.

The Kitchen House: A Novel by Kathleen Grissom
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
A very good book regarding slavery and the early 1800's.

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring
Two girls on opposite sides

Really enjoyed this book with it\'s alternating chapters. The author created believable characters in Sarah and Hetty (Handful).

Fun, Romantic, Interesting
I enjoyed it, but . . .

I liked the book, but felt it didn\\\'t have enough \\\"substance\\\" for a great discussion. Other than that it was a good read, just not for book club.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Addictive, Dramatic
Liked it, but didn\'t love it :)

Most of our members enjoyed this book. Almost all of us are teachers, some retired, so the topics involving the school were interesting to us. I felt like it was a bit long, but the ending was worth the wait!

Looking for Me: A Novel by Beth Hoffman
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Insightful

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Insightful, Dramatic

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful
A life decision that would be hard to make.

This book kept you interested until the end. The characters were well written. Our members could not imagine the life choices that were made. Quite a lot to think about!

The Aviator's Wife: A Novel by Melanie Benjamin
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful

Facing the Lion: Growing Up Maasai on the African Savanna by Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton, Herman Viola
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Adventurous

After You: A Novel by Jojo Moyes
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Insightful, Inspiring

Necessary Lies: A Novel by Diane Chamberlain
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Dramatic
Great book!

The author manages to write a great book about a terrible practice in much of our country involving the eugenics movement. It was enlightening for all of us.

Dramatic, Addictive, Scary
We all liked it, but . .

Our book club has read some of John Hart's books in the past so this was an easy choice. Most of us liked the book, but we had a few members that really couldn't get past the scene(s) in the church. I won't say any more so as not to give any of the book away. The reason for my rating is that it was not my favorite by this author.

Insightful, Interesting, Boring

A Man Called Ove: A Novel by Fredrik Backman
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Insightful, Beautiful
Ove didn't grab me

Our book club chose this book due to the reviews and recommendation from another club. While many of our members loved Ove, I never fully was grabbed by the story. It took me over half way through to really want to finish the book. It certainly had it's moments. Maybe it just wasn't the right time for me to read this one.

The Silent Sister: A Novel by Diane Chamberlain
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Addictive

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Interesting
Great read + great discussion

This book goes on the list with our other highly rated books. What a discussion we had. What a great book to get you thinking and talking. This one will stay with me for a long, long time.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Another informative topic on a very sad practice.

Our book club members had never heard of this awful part of adoption history. The story was good but a bit confusing with so many name changes within the characters. A good read and good discussion.

A Gentleman in Moscow by AMOR TOWLES
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Brilliant, Insightful

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Informative

Beartown: A Novel by Fredrik Backman
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Addictive
So much to talk about!

Our February selection just happened to coincide with the Winter Olympics. There is so much to discuss from the world of sports, the coaches, and the athletes that engage in them. And, of course, the Me, Too campaign was also at the forefront of our discussion.

The Great Alone: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Addictive

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