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Grown Folks Business is such a emotional roller costar that you are not sure what to fell after it over. The book was well written with a solid story line. The characters are well developed. There are several issues to discuss that it took us a while to discuss the book. The author sent a message in this book about no one's sins are greater than another no matter how we slice it.
Sins of my mother had a solid storyline and messages about how parent’s history can affect their children and with God all things are possible. The characters in the book are developed were you know each one’s sins that they got from their mother. The characters do not come a live on the pages. The book has a lot of issues to discuss which makes it a good book club book. The book is not a must read but it is a quick read.
The book was written well. The storyline was good. But it just seemed to drag at times. It was very interesting to see a man poor is heart out. It was someone time hard to believe it was a man.
This was not a good discussion book. My reading group came up with one question. The book was an average read and We would recommend reading a different mystery.
Overall our book club rated this book a 2.5 on a 5-point scale using 5 qualities that we think make a good discussion book. Here is how the club rated the book on the Wits-End 5 qualities of a Good book club read.
1. The Prose – Was the book easy to read? 3
2. Storyline - Was the book interesting? 2.7
3. Characters – Where the Characters developed, realistic? 2.9
4. Debatable Issues – Did the book have lot to discuss? 2.4
5. Message – Did the author send a message(s) to the read? 1.9
The book was good a discussion book. I thought the book was easy to read while others thought the poetry got in the way. Many of the ladies in my group did not like the book but it was a good discussion book.
If you can make it past the first 100 pagers, you will find a book that is interesting read. Now I heard Oprah say it was one of the best books she read in the last 10 years. I would not go that far. I say read it and judge it for yourself.
Overall our book club rated this book a 3.5 on a 5-point scale using 5 qualities that we think make a good discussion book. Here is how the club rated the book on the Wits-End 5 qualities of a Good book club read.
1. The Prose – Was the book easy to read? Rated 3.7
2. Storyline - Was the book interesting? Rated 3.4
3. Characters – Where the Characters developed, realistic? Rated 3.8
4. Debatable Issues – Did the book have lot to discuss? Rated 3.4
5. Message – Did the author send a message(s) to the read? Rated 3.6
Although the book rated low, I think the book had more issues than what we thought it would have.
This was very easy book to read and had a lot to discuss.
Overall our book club rated this book a 4.0 on a 5-point scale using 5 qualities that we think make a good discussion book. Here is how the club rated the book on the Wits-End 5 qualities of a Good book club read.
1. The Prose – Was the book easy to read? Rated 3.8
2. Storyline - Was the book interesting? Rated 4.2
3. Characters – Where the Characters developed, realistic? Rated 4.2
4. Debatable Issues – Did the book have lot to discuss? Rated 4.2
5. Message – Did the author send a message(s) to the read? Rated 3.8
My book club read this book before it was Oprah's Book Club so we were able to read the book without any outside influence. We enjoyed the book and thought it was well written and had a lot to discuss. I think even if the book was all fiction we would have still enjoyed the book.
This book was not very good and did not hold my interest. The book may make a good dicussion book but you must have people in your group who will continue to read the entire book even when it does not hold your interest.
If you looking for book with the action and interest as The Da Vinci Code, THIS IS NOT IT.
This books was very easy to read. Also holds your attention. The books as a lot to discuss with it's 47 question reading guide. The weakest part of the book is probably the characters which were developed but I am not sure they jumped off the pages at you.
This book was a good discussion. The ending was the worst part of the book because it did not give you the outcome.
I think this book laid out a blue print on marriage. It was not just for the married but also for those single who is thinking about married. The book starts with evaluating your self and goes to throw of the King (man) and Queen (Women). The blue print is based on the bible and since marriage is holy matrimony it should be. This is book after reading it you will think before you react.
This book was very interesting. It show the power of faith and marriage. It also give good examples of what not to do in a marraige.
This book was one of the best discussion books we have read in our Four years existence. It is the first book I agree should have been our book of the year. This book takes you through every emotion. It is educating and has several debatable issues that can keep your book club discussion going forever. Can you sacrifice one child for another? Do we realize what we are doing? Do we support stem cell research? When is enough a enough? These are just a few questions to discuss in this well written touching story. Please have a box of Kleenex it is a tearjerker.
If you enjoy books on different culture this book is for you. This book gives detail information on the china’s women culture. The book would have plenty to talk about. Just comparing American woman with China’s women. I really enjoyed the book. I recommend it as discussion book for any book club.
I read the first book Littler Girls Lost and than the this. The book probably could stand on its own with out reading the other. But I think there will be a little Girl Lost 3. Because he has another book that talks about the characters in Little Girl Lost who are not developed in the 1 and 2 book. I think the book is faith redemption.
The book is about a girl who is force to turn tricks by her mother to support the family. Little girl 2 just builds off the first one
This book was good romance story that center around age difference and finding love after your spouse passed away. The book turned out to be a better discussion than I would have expected. If you like romance and need a good discussion book this might be good book for your group.
This is one of the few books that most of the people in our club of 15+ agreed was a great read and good discussion. This book is hard to put down once you start it.
I have read most of Ms Files book and this is my favorite book.
This book was very good book club book. The story was easy to read and sent you through all different emotions. When is it okay to move on after the death of a love one? That is the basis of the story.
What would you do if you found your mother dead, your father is really your stepfather and your real father only wanted you for the insurance money. Cupcake Brown has a story to tell that will take you through all her trials and tribuations and you will find yourself cheering for her to pull through. This book is truly a Journey.
THis books was very good discussion book. The open ending allows for a lot to discuss. The storyline is one you keep asking yourself "how does a woman allow these things to happen to her child?"
Picoult is a great writer. She always deal with the tough issues and she makes you walk in her characters' shoes.
I found Lucky to be more interesting than Lovely Bones. Maybe the reason is the story was the author's memoir.
If you are looking for a book with great topics to discuss. THis is a great one. I did not find the book very thought provoking but there are lot things to discuss. Overall I was say this was good read and very entertaining.
I have now read three of Jodi Picoult books. This has to be my least favorite out of the three. The story was interesting but the emotions I have come to feel in Jodi's book was not there. Also I think it has some good discussion topics but not as much as My Sister's Keeper and The Pact. I would recommend it because she always bring up tough issues and she is very easy to read.
The book was very easy to read and will generate some discussion but at our discuss the book did not generate as much conversation as I expected. If you like drama and a good book that holds you interest this the book for you.
This book was a satire on the church. The theme of the book is church and money. The book was funny but hard to get through it because of the funny long names. You have to read the book to the end to get the message the Author is trying to deliver.
The books have a lot of debatable issues. I think it is great discussion book for a book club. What happens when you are Christian and you on the Supreme Court?
The book was very interesting it kept you guess who actually killed the girl . The interesting part was each suspect as some kind of connection to the girl.
The book is about young man who finds himself on heorine in 1970's and believe he can kick at anytime. The book was most interesting because some of the issues the teenage face are still the same today
The book is very interesting on how and why four different women get missed up in the messy business of infidelity. The book made a very good discussion book.
The book had way too much sex it was almost x-rated. Two different authors who seem to not take the time and read what the other person written wrote it; therefore it was a lot of disconnects in the book. The book could have been way better if the authors would have taken some topics that were brushed over or hinted at and developed them it would have great much better book suited for discussion.
Excellent book for discussion. Once again Jodi Picoult as you feel all different types of emotions. She has you feeling sorry for the Killer you can ALMOST understand. Also she continues to give you a surprise emotions
This book was a hard read but it was great book to discuss. The first 100 pages are tough but it does get easier. Shriver weaves a great story that at times is very disturbing. This book is filled with a debatable issues that keep your book club discussing for hours. It is a different look at the Topic of high school shootings.
The Ex-Files is about four women who try to move pass the hurt their Ex's cause them in order to move on in your life without that person.
The women all attend the same church and their pastor sees the women need help getting pass their ex so she calls the woman together to form a pray group to help them deal with the Exs.
The book centers around the prayer group and how each one is effective by the group and how it helps or not help them to get over their ex.
Christopher Murray writes a very easy to read and entertaining book which has several questions a book club would want to discuss (How do you get pass your sister sleeping with your ex, Your husband committing suicide, Can you take a husband back if he left your for a man). For the most part the book is very predictable with maybe one surprise but it was not a surprise to most. If you looking for easy read with average storyline and great discussion. This may be the book for you.
The book center’s around the rape of a Preacher daughter and her son who is born from the rape. The rapist is an associate minister. The book is character driven which shows how the Pastor, wife and sister all deals with the rape and the son. As well as how the associate pastor deals with his son born from his action and the son he has with is wife who is born a few days apart. The book is very easy to read almost appears to be written for young Adults. The topic is very much an adult subject how does a man of the cloth deal with his daughter being rape. I think is action may or may not surprise you special in the time when the power of fame is so much apart of the church.
June does a good job in displaying how mix child has to adapt to different worlds. Her white mother gave her up to a black woman who she called (Aunt Peggy). It also shows how a mix race child can feel lost.
This was great love story about finding love when you are at least expect and with person you never would have given a chance.
I have read three of Nicholas sparks books. I think this one was missing a something. I cried like all of is books but this book did not have enough substance to give us a good discussion.
Blair Underwood first novel debut was good. I look forward to reading more mystery with Tennyson. I think it should only get better from here. The book had enough twist in turns to keep you guessing until the end.
The book had a good message for teenagers who the book was probably attended audience. The book was not as deep and complex and one would think. The most interesting point the cleverness of the title.
The book was an easy read and offers a lot of questions to discuss. I rate the book high because of the discussion questions. I did not appreciate the book until after our meeting were we discuss the questions. Overall the book has a lot of interesting themes, mother-daughter, sisters, and forgiveness. We were not able to get through all the discussion questions.
JD Mason is wonderful story teller. Her characters just jump off the page at you. The book is about Mother daughters and sisters and how you move on after being left behind by a mother or misused by a mother.
The book had a very thought provoking storyline. May believe she could have develop at lot more sub stories. The lack of development brought out a lot of questions to discuss.
The book was interesting but not one of Bernice best. Our discussion did not last as long as one would like when discussing a book. It just did not generate a enough discussion for my group because the group was so over the subject of bad mothers and drunks. The group probably would have had more to say if it was not for discussing other books similar with the topic.
The book makes you appreciate the changes that we have witness in the 2008 election. The book reminds us that change does not come when want it but when we are at least expected.
If you like a very simply love story this maybe the one for you. This book just did not have enough meat.
Jezebel is not an easy read but it a great discussion book. The book makes you think and also questions a few things that you thought were in the bible. Jezebel is a interesting story if you can get through the book. Many members found it was hard to read.
The Naked truth was easy to read and lead to a lot of discussion. The book had 29 questions in the back of the book and we did not get to them all. While the subject of 19 beautiful young woman with HIV gives lot of discussion the issue that MS Brown personal issues that had nothing do with her HIV status also gives additional topics to speak on. The most shocking thing about this book is that in the year 2003 people still are not aware of HIV and makes you wonder if there are still people ignorant about HIV and AIDS 6 years later.
Very interesting book about two friends. The book was very emotional.
Very interesting book that gives insight on why woman allow the men in their life to control them. The book deals with woman waiting for men who are in prison but also mother and son relationship.
The book has too many graphic sex scenes. The author had four very interesting storyline that each could have been its own book. The storyline was the life of Player, Pimp, Dealer and Killer. The book was well written and develop its characters but too much sex.
The book generate good discussion and gave you some insight on the life of Polygamist.
This book was interesting and enjoyed the letter format but not it was not that great. It took me 2 weeks to finish the book. I would not recommend it for my own book club. It did not leave a lasting impression on me
Whether you like or dislike this book which is based on faith, your book club will have a lot to discuss. There are so many different study guides on the internet we had to select questions and still ended up with 18 questions.
My book club really enjoyed the book but the ladies in the book club believe in a higher power.
Gotta Keep on Tryin' is the sequel to Trying to Sleep in the bed you maid. The story was good but not great. I don't believe the story will offer much for a discussion.
The ultimate gifts teachers a spoil rich kid the 12 most important gifts we should have in order to leave a happy and productive life. After reading the book you want to pass it on to young children and young adults to help them live a product life.
Murder on the Down Low, was great Mystery that also will turn to be a great discussion book. The Mystery quality is great. You are lead down many paths and it is not until the very ended the Killer is revealed. While you taking these twists and turns you are learning a lot about the Down low culture.
This book started off good but it came very predictable and boring by the end of the book.
Snow white has interesting storyline about young girl growing up around drugs. The author fails to delivery a compete story. If the author would have taken the time develop each character and their situation the book would have been a great read. The book seemed rushed and came to an abrupt ending; leaving the reader unsatisfied and upset. I am not sure if the author writes a sequel if I would buy it because the book could have ended without writing a sequel.
The book is the journey of two women who meets because of one man. I think the book would make a good discussion book for your book club.
The Forgotten Gotten unravels a mystery of identity. Nell finds out she is not her parents by birth. Nell feels like she no longer knows who she is. So she sets out to find her identity. The story is interesting journal told by three different generations: Nell herself, her mother, and her granddaughter. The book is wonderful story and very thoughtfully put together. Since the story is told by three different generations one may get lost in the back of fourth of time periods. The book is also very length and not sure it is worth the time it takes to get to the end. The Forgotten Garden can easily be a forgotten book with is 500 plus pages. I cannot recommend this book since it is not worth the time and don't feel like majority of the book club will not finish. I do give the book a solid "3 stars" because it is a good read if you have nothing else to do.
This book was very interesting and informative. I did not realize that places like this exist during slavery. The book shows 4 different Slave mistress and how they are all treated as slaves.
The Help was well written book showed the lives of African American mads and how there white employer treated them. The Story makes you stop and think about how we treat "The help".
Two sisters who grew up in home with weird father allows men to abusive them. Each sister is telling the other one they should not take it but neither sister is talking about there own abusive by their mates. It insightful because it shows how we can see others behaviors but not or own.
I was expect more of the story to be about the sister relationship with her killer.
Holy Rollers is an easy read. It has some fun characters and few issues that you can discuss. The book could be develop a lot more. I think in depth look at the characters would have enhance the book.
It took too long to get in the book. It was like a valley. It had it hi's and lows. Too many pages not to be page turning. The culture was interesting but it was not enough for me to recommend to book clubs
A good easy read. It held my attention and I enjoyed the characters. There are some funny scenes that make you laugh.
Eat, Pray and Love (EPL) left me with a bad test in my mouth and some chuckles. The structure of the book was the best part. The book was split in three parts: Eat was Italy; Pray was India; and Love was Indonesia. The actions describe what she did in each of the countries. In addition the three parts where split into 36 chapters giving total chapters 108 which is the perfect number. Besides the structure of the book, I enjoyed two of the characters who had you chucking, one was in India and the other was from Indonesia. The worst part of the book was the book itself. The book was just boring there was nothing to hold my interest. India was the worst part of the book and Indonesia was the most interesting probably because it is where she found love. EPL have left me with no desire to read any more of Ms Gilbert’s books. EPL has just left me flat and whipped out. Eat, Pray and Love is as boring as the title. The book left me so empty. EPL did not create any emotions in me. The only thing that EPL left me with is the desire to take another yoga class to see if it helps with relaxation.
Perfect Peace is interesting story told with rich southern characters that the author has breathe life in order to create characters that come alive in your mind. The characters were three dimensional characters that you can relate to and understand. I felt all the main characters emotions. In Perfect Peace I was able to laugh as well as cry. It was so hard to read about the young man transforming from a girl to boy and how people treated him. All you could do is shake your head in disbelief of the actions of some of the characters. Mr. Black lesson form the story is we need to love people for who they are. The book made me think deeper about the cause of homosexuality. It is back to the nature vs. nurture question. I have always thought people could be born this way but I really think if you raise a person a certain away it will have affects on them as well. Mr. Black knows how to tell a story that keeps you engaged and captive until the very end. If Mr. Black had a downfall in his book it was weaving the future in the present it was different at times and did not always flow as well as it could. Mr. Black seems to have a knack for southern stories. This is the second book I have read by Mr. Black. I read his book “They tell me a story” and it was also a great read. I find him to be a great story teller. I look forward to reading his book “Scared Place” and hope he continues to put out great stories.
Notorious is an easy urban fiction read about the fall of a top lawyer who represents mobsters. The author use way to many details to describe the characters outfits thinking that she is creating three dimensional characters when she really only created one dimensional characters. The main character starts out being shallow but eventually becomes a decent person. I am not sure if you actual see the growth or it is just there at a blink of the eye. I found this book little unrealistic. The main character is hiding from the Feds but she goes straight to her family. The Feds know everything about you so I believe that is just unrealistic that they would not know about your daddy’s people. For 90% of the book I did not liking the main character. I found her all about money and image and that just made you not like her. The biggest lesson I took away from Notorious is lesson we are told all too often, that you can’t let fame and greed go to your head or you will end up on the bottom. It takes a lot of sense and reality check to stay up on your came. Ms Swinson books is good for the average reader but not for the avid reader. The plot is good; the pace is good, but it just lacks a lot of thought. I would say Notorious was an easy read but left me without any desire to read any others because I am not a big fan of urban fiction. I have read my share of urban fiction and I still would say there is better reads out there if this is genre that you like.
“A Might Long Way” was emotional from the forward by President Bill Clinton to the last page. Mrs. Lanier book is well written and seems like she has been writing books forever. She told her story of integrated an all white High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. The book read like a novel and only if it was fiction it would not hurt as bad to relive her struggle to get a better education for herself which help all Americans to get a better education. “A Might Long Way” had no bad qualities. The story was told with enough detail setting you up for the next event in the author’s life. “A Mighty Long Way” made me proud and grateful that these nine young men and woman endured the spiting and tripping and other awful things so I could have a better life. It taught us that this was not a one day event or a one year event this was a minimal four year event and probably longer for those who followed in their footsteps. It also educated me because I was really ignorant on the history. Yes I have heard of Little Rock Nine but I did not know the details of the story. Mrs. Lanier story was one of courage and struggle. It reminded me of the struggles I go through with being a minority in my own profession. The book made me think of the barriers that are still in front of minorities and made me wonder would there be a time that all barriers would fall for good. President Obama election has brought out the worst in race relations; so not even a minority president has brought down barriers. “A Might Long Way” reminded me of how many people before me has pave the way so I can have the life I have now. It also gives me the strength to try and fight my way through a field where minority still struggle to be recognize. I enjoyed learning so much about Little Rock Nine’s struggle to integrate Central High School that I would consider reading books by any of the other eight that may have written their stories on Little Rock Nine.
Fireproof is about a fireman whose marriage is about to go up in smoke if he does not protect is like he would a building or person from a fire. Fireproof was interesting concept of how to protect your relationship. The concept of fireproofing your relationship is one I don’t think most of us thinking about until are relationships starts to smoke. I like how each section of the books was named after things that have to deal with fire. The basis of fireproofing your relationship was based on God so this was more of a Christian fiction book. Although the book had good plot is just lacked in the characters. They were so predictable and winey that they get on your nervous. Stronger three dimensional characters would really make this a very interesting book. I do not have a lot of desire to read any more books by Eric Wilson especially if they are written after a movie. When a book follows the movie it can’t be that great. I guess it was more of how to save your marriage especially if you do not have strong relationship with the Lord Our Savior. The biggest lesson in the book is you must have a relationship with God in order to lover your spouse totally. I would recommend the Love Dare for a person struggling with marriage issues which these novel talks about and is Forty day Journey.
God’s Love is Merciful
Redeeming Love, Francine Rivers, 4 Stars
Redeeming Love is a love story between Man and Woman, God and Human. The story is based on the biblical Story of Hosea and Gomer. The story is well written and more than just a modern day love story. Mrs. Rivers shows God’s love for us so easily and leaves no doubt how much God loves us. The novel has you shaking your head in God’s unconditional love for us. The novel also she shows if you love God and follow his will and not your own will, you can fine true love. Mrs. Rivers uses Redeeming Love to show us “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never ends. 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a (ESV)” There is not one quality in Redeeming Love that was not good. I love how she changed the font to show God or the Devil talking to the characters. Reading Redeeming Love made me take a look at my relationship with God and my husband and made me want to be more patient and understanding with my husband and try to get a stronger relationship with God. Redeeming Love showed me what it really means to love someone as God Loves you. Mrs. Rivers did an excellent job with this story and you can tell she put a lot of thought in this novel. Francine Rivers is a true Christian Fiction author. I can feel the God coming out of the pages. I plan to see what other books that Mrs. Rivers have written that reinforced God’s Messages that some time we tend to over look or forget.
32 Candles is a well written book and nice love story.
The book held you attention but really did not have enough discussion topics to me. After reading the book, I was wonder what we will discuss. The key topic will be is 50/50 fair in romantic relationship and How long should you stay with someone before a marriage proposal.
Informative story on our rights or lack of rights in the medical field. Also how we never stop and think who is behind some of our creations and how they come about. A very good history lesson and medical lesson.
Usually, I can read a Little Girl Lost book in a day or two. Book 7 just seemed to drag to me and not hold my attention. I would recommend books 1-6.
The book was well written. It is not as good as the Red Tent but it will generate a good discussion.
The book was nice romance with a good plot. I am not sure how much it leaves for discussion.
Just slow and uneventful. Nothing really to discuss.
The book held my interest but I would recommend the other two. They both have the sex but with more of a plot.
The book tells the story of each of Hattie children and one grandchildren. The stories are gloomy but interesting. The book is an open ending which makes for a good discussion.
Very good book full of issues to discuss. This was as good as We Need to talk about Kevin. This book keeps you guessing right down to the last page.
Terry McMillan has a lot of topics in the book you can discuss. But she lacked character development.
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