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Name : Sharon M.
Gender : Female

My Reviews

Book Club Recommended
Difficult, Insightful, Adventurous

Made for a lot of discussion in our club, using discussion questions and summaries and analysis from Sparks notes. Some understood it right away and loved the vernacular from the South; others skimmed the first 5 chapters and enjoyed the book better with the narrator telling the story. Good themes, symbols and plot.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Insightful, Beautiful
Insightful Book

Great discussion from this book about the dog as the narrator, dysfunctional families, and how race car driving relates to life. Very good. Liked by 100% of our book club.

The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett
Book Club Recommended
Boring, Confusing, Interesting
The Maltese Falcon

I, personally, did not like the book at all; it jumped all over the place, and I could not follow it. There are 14 in our book club, and most of them enjoyed the book. Our discussion leader noted all the \"time sensitive\" words like cars are called machines, etc. He also noted 140 words to look up on definitions. Those in our group who like mysteries really enjoyed the book. Once we discovered the book was the first in its genre, it made a difference in the style of the book. It is a challenging book, but made for great discussion of his character descriptions, use of rolled cigarettes, and love of women. Enjoy!

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Informative, Beautiful
Beautiful Struggle of Many Themes

Our club really enjoyed this book about the struggle of the Japanese Internment in the Seattle Area. Discussed several themes: immigration, prejudice, bullying, race, assimilation & family relationships. We had almond cookies, fortune cookies & green tea for snacks. We also invited an 84 year old man who was interned at Manzanar, CA, who explained the internment to us and answered our questions. A fabulous day at our Book Club! There are so many things to discuss about this book, I suggest you choose 8-10 questions that cover most of the book and discuss these.

Unconvincing, Poorly Written, Slow

I did read this all the way through and in a weird way, could not put it down, as I kept hoping the author & her husband would take charge of Toby and stop letting Toby run their lives. This was so frustrating! The author went to a dog psychiatrist and did not follow the suggestions to limit Tobys space when left alone. I liked that they found a job for Toby. Our Book Club had lots of discussion, but mostly about our own dog experiences. I would not recommend this book.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Fabulous Multi-layered Read

Many layers in this book: personalities, ethics, justice, truth/integrity, adoption, birth parents, and a love story.
Made for great discussion in our book club.
Most of us couldn't put the book down after started reading it. Highly recommend it.

Dancing Master, The by Julie Klassen
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Optimistic, Interesting
Fantastic Regency Romance

A regency romance with many interesting twists and turns as family secrets are revealed after many years of being hidden. Alex Valcourt comes to town with his mother and sister to resume his career as a Dancing Master. Little does he know that the matriarch of the town has forbidden any dancing. Julia Midwinter is the young adult daughter of the matriarch, and she is adventurous, daring, flirtatious, and in love with any man who could replace the love she never had from her father. John Desmond also returns to town after a long absence due to an accusation and murder. Julia\\\\\\\'s mother, Amelia, knows the town secrets and seeks to control and protect her daughter from making the same mistakes of others from the past. Lady Anne is Lady Amelia\\\\\\\'s sister and she has a sordid past, which is also a secret. The story describes the Regency period well, which is a great environment for all these secrets, with all the \\\\\\\'proper\\\\\\\' and \\\\\\\'expected\\\\\\\' behavior and values. I liked this book because I learned much about the Regency Period, I enjoy historical fiction, and I was intrigued with each new \\\\\\\'secret\\\\\\\' as it was revealed. We read this book for our Book Club.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Informative, Romantic
Hopeless but not Helpless

We really were challenged by the values and political leanings of the Chinese and how the poor suffer and are ignored in that society. Really encouraged by the human spirit of the poor to nurture the destitute and helpless to be the best they can be. Benfu and Cali reached out to helpless children and gave them all the love and support they could. Liked the flower names given to all the children. The poor taught the wealthy how to survive the unimaginable. A book not to be missed!

Shadows on the Nile by Kate Furnivall
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Adventurous, Interesting
Egyptian Adventures & Autism

Mystery written about archaeology in Egypt with the added adventure of an autistic boy and his siblings. There are many interesting interwoven characters and several surprises appear by the end of the book. A great book for discussion.

The Language of Flowers: A Novel by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Interesting
Can You Love Another if You\\\'ve Never Been Loved?

That seems to be one of the themes of Language of Flowers. A great book with multiple layers to discuss: Foster Care children, Social Workers, Neglect, Love, Loss, flowers and how do their names affect the receiver and on and on. Great book for discussion. You\\\'ll never receive or give or look at another flower and not think about its meaning.

Unconvincing, Difficult
Too Good To Be True

Very hard to believe that this scientist could have remembered, nevermind controlled her right and or left brain while she was having a stroke; too far fetched and author too repetitive and too impressed with herself.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Interesting
Unexpected Murder

Good book for discussion. Some thought the ending was pulled together too quickly without support from the story. I liked the set up of AM and PM to coincide with the commuters schedule. The murder is a surprise and so is the murderer.

The Aviator's Wife: A Novel by Melanie Benjamin
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Ann Morrow Lindbergh was one fiesty lady

We really enjoyed the book and had wonderful discussion. All decided we didn\\\'t like Lucky Lindy but loved and admired his wife!

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Interesting
Enlightening NonFiction For White House Resident Staff

Great reading about behind the scenes for the resident staff at the White House. Have a positive feeling and gratefulness to the staff for their loyalty and hard work for our President and his family.

The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Inspiring

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Beautiful
What's a Geisha?

We also watched the DVD as a group and it was well liked. This story inspired the question and have men ever been Geishas? Well written however, learned about a lawsuit for a confidentiality breech.

The Mothers: A Novel by Brit Bennett
Brilliant, Graphic, Poorly Written
Disappointed On Many Levels

Made for lots of discussion as we had varied opinions on whether graphic sex and the F and S words were necessary to portray the culture. I only finished the book because I’m in charge of our club
We felt the author had an agenda to present Christian churches as gossip clubs and totally ineffective in their communities
The author brought up racism. Does every ethnic book have to bring this up? We did not see any racism
We do not recommend this book!
There was a very disappointing ending. Author said she had trouble writing endings and she is correct

Unconvincing, Pointless, Slow

Midwives (Oprah's Book Club) by Chris Bohjalian
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Dramatic
Mostly positive reaction

Our club had a mostly positive response and discussed the lawyer, boyfriend, Sybil, and daughter as main characters. Issues were the daughter's final action and her observations of her parents and also her Mom and the attorney's relationship; the midwife's actions and the midwife community.

Beautiful, Insightful, Dramatic

Insightful, Interesting, Persuasive

George & Barbara Bush: A Great American Love Story by Ellie LeBlond Sosa, Kelly Anne Chase
Romantic, Inspiring, Beautiful

Romantic, Insightful, Interesting

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Adventurous
Things You Never Knew About Teddy Roosevelt

Mystery, pursuits of every kind, danger, life and death situations regularly, African big game hunting, politics from Europe, Africa, and the US, romance and scheming just about summarizes this historical fiction book for me.
Colonel and President Teddy Roosevelt embarks on a year long safari to procure big game animals for the Smithsonian. His son, Kermit, accompanies him. An old girlfriend shows up and what he do with her surprise appearance?
Roosevelt is a relentless pursuer of big game and risks life and limb for his goals. His personality comes out in this book.
The African tribes, wars and political entanglements are frightening and described well.
You’ll be riveted to the story. Enjoy!

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