Killer Bunny Hill
by Denise Robbins

Published: 2009-07-01
Paperback : 258 pages
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A wrong turn down the Bunny Hill hurled her into a chilling race against a killer's bullet. A killer is on her bunny trail. Shot while snowboarding, Samantha Spenser lands on a stranger's doorstep without her memory, but with a shooter on her tail. Even after the stranger saves her from the gunman ...
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A wrong turn down the Bunny Hill hurled her into a chilling race against a killer's bullet. A killer is on her bunny trail. Shot while snowboarding, Samantha Spenser lands on a stranger's doorstep without her memory, but with a shooter on her tail. Even after the stranger saves her from the gunman and offers her refuge, Sam begins to fear for her life when Max, holding a gun to her head, demands to know the location of his abducted brother. Is the man with the whiskey-colored eyes her savior who will protect her or the shooter who wants her dead? If Samantha trusts the sexy man to unravel the mystery of her amnesia, will he discover she is an innocent bystander or a deceitful criminal? The last thing he wants or needs is the complication of a gorgeous snow bunny half dead from bullet wounds on his doorstep. Frustrated by the lack of clues and even more discouraged by the lack of help from his agency and his brother's, special agent Maximilian Stone sets out in search for his kidnapped brother. First, he must solve the mystery of Samantha, the intriguing woman sleeping in his bed. Is there a connection between Snow Bunny and his missing FBI brother? Or was she brought in by a darker enemy to destroy Max before he can find them?

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Chapter 1 What the hell? A crack split the air and snow exploded up in clouds of white powder not two feet from her. Then another. And another. This one nicked the front edge of the snowboard. She couldn’t turn around to see who was shooting. All she could do was keep her board aimed down the mountain. Using her heel and toes and the angle of her shoulders to direct her movement, she traveled in a zigzag pattern. Heart beating so fast she felt the rhythm of it drumming in her head. She was sweating. She had to get down the trail, back to the lodge where there were people. It being dusk, she was mostly alone on the mountain. Or at least she had been. Bending her knees a little more, she leaned forward to pick up speed. Who was shooting at her? Were they shooting at her? Why wasn’t she carrying her weapon? Damn it! Would she never learn? Another crack split the air, blowing white powder in her face, blurring her vision. “Pfft. . .pffft.” She spit out the snow she’d inhaled. “Yow!” she screeched and reached behind her where she felt a sharp pain and heat radiating from her thigh. Even though her extremities were numb from the winter weather, it hurt. She couldn’t believe it. Someone shot her in the thigh. Why? ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. The heroine, Samantha Spenser, wakes without her memory in a stranger's house and with gunshot wounds. What would you do in that situation? Would you take the stranger's word for everything or would you have to seek out the truth for yourself?
2. If an injured person showed up on your doorstep claiming to have no memory of who they were, how would you go about validating if they were telling the truth?
3. The hero, Max Stone, is on the mountain for one reason only, to locate his missing brother. When Sam shows up on his doorstep, his plan is thrown a monkey wrench. How do you deal cope when your well thought out plans go awry?
4. One of my favorite secondary characters in the story is Betty Jacks. What did you think of Betty her relationship to the other characters in the story? Does she remind you of anyone you know personally?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Dear Reader,

I started writing KILLER BUNNY HILL on a flight out to Seattle from my home state of New Hampshire. I hadn't planned on writing, but for some reason, I was compelled to boot up my laptop. As I flew cross-country, the poor passengers around me had to listen to me talk and laugh at my computer and invisible characters. At the end of my flight, I had the first chapter completed and knew all about my hero and heroine. What I did not know was the plot.

Doing some research on computer technology, I ran across an article talking about manmade diamonds. I read further and found out the manmade diamonds were used in more than jewelry. They could be used for computer chips and laser weapons. Diamonds were not just a girl's best friend. The fascinating information led me to the plot idea for KILLER BUNNY HILL.

Have you ever had a monkey wrench thrown into your plans? Of course, you have! In KILLER BUNNY HILL, Special Agent Maximilian Stone's plans to locate his missing brother get sidetracked when Samantha Spenser lands on his doorstep, shot and without her memory, but she does know how to handle a gun.

Denise Robbins

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