The Belly Dancer
by DeAnna Cameron

Published: 2009-07-07
Paperback : 320 pages
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A scandal that shocks a nation?and a passion that transforms a woman.

At the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, the modern, the exotic, and the ground-breaking collide. But Dora Chambers has more pressing matters to consider. Hoping to begin a life of wealth and privilege in Chicago, she sets out ...
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A scandal that shocks a nation?and a passion that transforms a woman.

At the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, the modern, the exotic, and the ground-breaking collide. But Dora Chambers has more pressing matters to consider. Hoping to begin a life of wealth and privilege in Chicago, she sets out to earn the approval of the Fair's Board of Lady Managers to appease her ambitious, aloof husband. Unimpressed, they give Dora the distasteful task of enforcing proper conduct at the Egyptian belly dancing exhibition.

But Dora's sensibilities are not so easily flustered. She finds herself captivated by these exotic women, and by their enigmatic manager, Hossam Farouk, who makes his mistrust of her known?although his lingering glances hint at something else.

As Dora's eyes are opened to the world beyond a life of social expectations and quiet servitude, she finds the courage to break free of her self-imposed bondage, and discovers the truth about the desire and passion in her own heart.

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Chapter One

Dora Chambers entered the Egyptian Theatre behind the crowd of gritty laborers and pale office clerks, the older gentlemen and boys barely of an age to shave. The masculine scents of their hair pomade and Ivory- soaped skin mingled with the fragrance of the tendrils of smoke curling from brass burners set along the stage. She raised her handkerchief to her nose. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Throughout the novel, Dora Chambers finds her instincts often run counter to what is expected of her. How is this apparent in her relationship with her husband? Her mother? The Board of Lady Managers? How would her experience change if the story were set in the modern day? Do you think that change would alter the outcome?

2. The Chicago World's Fair plays a major role as a setting in the novel, but it also has a metaphorical meaning to Dora Chambers, as indicated by this line on page 75: “The whole place was like a crucible that could transmute something ordinary into something profound, and it whispered to Dora of possibilities.” What are these possibilities? What do they mean to Dora? In what ways does she hope to change?

3. Why do you think it is so important to Dora to be accepted into Chicago's world of wealth and privilege? When do you think she begins to question this ambition? What replaces that ambition?

4. This novel tackles many issues-women's rights, cultural misconceptions, freedom, identity, friendship, love. What do you consider the main focus to be? Is there one theme in particular that stood out for you?

5. Where do you see Dora in five years? Do you think she is still happy with the decisions she made at the end of the story?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

I've had a passion for the art and history of belly dance for nearly 20 years, and I'm thrilled to share this passion with my debut novel, THE BELLY DANCER.

My inspiration for this story came after reading about the real-life controversy caused by the Egyptian belly dancers who performed at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. I was captivated by the unexpected discovery that -- in this context - the Egyptian women seemed to have more personal freedom than American women did. Because I'm a big fan of Kate Chopin's stories and others about women searching for meaning and freedom during the constricting Victorian era, I couldn't resist the urge to create a situation where such a woman met and interacted with these exotic belly dancers. She would naturally be fascinated by them, but how far would that fascination go?

Another major influence was the legend of Little Egypt, the dancer who is considered by many to be the country's first well-known belly dancer and who is commonly thought to have gotten her start at the 1893 World's Fair. While historians still debate Little Egypt's true identity, I've imagined one for her in this story.

Invite THE BELLY DANCER to your next book club meeting. Visit www.DeAnnaCameron.com for recipes, music recommendations and tips on decorating and activities to enhance your reading experience.



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