Laced with Magic
by Barbara Bretton
Published: 2009-08-04
Paperback : 342 pages
Paperback : 342 pages
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More magic. More love. More knitting.
Bestselling author Barbara Bretton returns to the magical Vermont town of Sugar Maple with LACED WITH MAGIC, the highly anticipated sequel to CASTING SPELLS.
Chloe Hobbs has the feeling that the fates finally got it right: she has the magick and the ...
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More magic. More love. More knitting. Bestselling author Barbara Bretton returns to the magical Vermont town of Sugar Maple with LACED WITH MAGIC, the highly anticipated sequel to CASTING SPELLS. Chloe Hobbs has the feeling that the fates finally got it right: she has the magick and the man and just maybe the happy ending too. But the knit shop owner's inner sorceress is about to get a wake-up call when she discovers Luke has been keeping a few secrets of his own, secrets that threaten Sugar Maple's very existence.
Chapter OneChloe
Did you ever have the feeling that you were exactly where you were meant to be, that the Fates had finally got it right and the rest of your life was going to be clear sailing? That was how I felt the first time Luke MacKenzie and I kissed: like I was seeing the world through new eyes. ...

Discussion Questions
1. Knitting is enjoying a major resurgence in popularity. Chloe and her friends unravel their knottiest problems while knitting together at the shop. Knitting groups have sprung up all across the globe and many enduring friendships have formed as a result. Do you meet with a knitting group? Are you a social knitter or a knitter who's happiest alone with her needles and a great book on tape?2. Chloe is knocked for a loop when Luke's ex-wife shows up in Sugar Maple with the news that they had had a child together. Chloe knew Luke had been married before but he hadn't told her about his daughter who had died in a tragic accident. Should Luke have told Chloe about his daughter right up front even though he and Chloe have maintained a don't ask/don't tell relationship up until now? Is full disclosure necessary during the early stages of a romance or is it better to share information on a need to know basis? Is Chloe's anger justified?
3. Chloe and Karen are natural antagonists but something strange happens: they discover that they like each other. Under different circumstances, they might even become good friends. Does the "other woman" still work in romance novels or is she a thing of the past? Is it possible for a man's ex-wife and his current lover to become friends or does it work only in fiction?
4. Sugar Maple is a magickal town filled with creatures your parents told you didn't exist. Do you believe in magic? Have you ever seen a ghost? Would you like to see one? Does the possibility of other-worldly magick scare you or fill you with excitement?
5. In order to build a life together, Luke will have to make a lot of sacrifices, including separating himself from family and friends. How many sacrifices for love are too many? Should Luke and Chloe work on a compromise or do her special circumstances make this non-negotiable?
6. The mother-daughter bond is powerful and enduring. Chloe's mother chose to leave her child behind and follow the man she loved into death. Steffie's mother makes a very different choice in LACED WITH MAGIC. Who is right? Who is wrong? What choice would you have made in similar circumstances?
6. Do you believe in happily-ever-after? Is it possible to find love and keep it or is this just the stuff of fiction?
Notes From the Author to the Bookclub
In the classic sitcom BEWITCHED, Samantha had to deny her magical powers in order to keep her mortal husband Darrin happy. All of that wonderful magic had to be bottled up and put on the shelf because grumpy, grouchy Darrin couldn't deal with it. LACED WITH MAGIC is BEWITCHED turned on its ear. In Sugar Maple the women have all the power and they aren't afraid to use it. In fact it's the very human hero, Luke MacKenzie, who has to worry about fitting in. And, believe me, it takes a very special man to settle down in Sugar Maple. The kind of guy who won't let being turned into a Ken Doll by the woman he loves unnerve him. The kind of guy who will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with her against forces he can't even begin to understand. Who needs Darrin Stevens anyway when you can have Luke MacKenzie!Book Club Recommendations
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