Jewel of His Heart, The: A Novel (Heart of the West)
by Maggie Brendan
Paperback : 333 pages
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Romance readers have taken to Maggie Brendan's softer romantic style that perfectly captures life on the American frontier, introducing them to rugged, independent souls and their inner spiritual struggles, and the quest for love that makes for a satisfying read every time. Set in 1890s Montana, The Jewel of His Heart finds Juliana drawn to a handsome, gentle sheepherder--but sparks fly when he considers mining, the occupation that lured her father away from his family. Both Josh and Juliana must make a choice--the world's riches and promises, or the eternal value of love. Praise for Maggie Brendan's first book: "You won't want to set this book down."--Romantic Times, 4½-star review "This gentle romance set among the rugged beauty of the Colorado foothills will warm readers' hearts."--Kim Vogel Sawyer
Juliana Brady paused, pushing her thick, dark hair back from herface. She arched her back, stretched, and tried to rub out the stiffness.
Bending over the miners' wash made her back hurt, but at
least it was decent work for someone without any work experience,
unlike the work of some of the "soiled doves" in town. Using a
smooth limb from a ponderosa pine, she placed dingy clothes in
the boiling kettle sitting atop the campfire. She moved the limb up
and down and pressed the wad of clothing against the side of the
huge black pot to loosen the dirt, then picked up a book of poems.
She loved to read, and doing the wash was boring, so she tried to
have a book of poems or good literature to keep her company.
There never seemed to be enough money, and it had been
that way for as long as she could remember. She let her thoughts
wander back to a few days ago. There had not been enough to
pay for rent, let alone buy groceries, Mama had told her.
It pained Juliana to look into her mother's blue-gray eyes. She
knew Mama was trying to keep her chin up, but declining health
had plagued her recently, and Juliana had watched her mother's
energy fall away the last few months.
It was hard keeping up with the miners' wash and the housework.
Juliana had insisted on doing it so her mother could rest.
She admonished that hard work never hurt anybody. She had
echoed that statement throughout the years, mainly toward her
absent father, because he had chased the dream of striking it rich
one day. Though Juliana loved her father, it broke her heart to see
her mother struggle and carry the burden alone.
Maybe she would apply at the boardinghouse to see if there
were any openings. She could read and write, but how could one
use that skill? Around here, the only jobs she'd been able to find
were cooking and cleaning.
She sighed, picked up the clothes by the end of the heavy,
smooth stick, and lowered each piece into another kettle of clean
water to rinse away the soap. Not many left, thankfully. After a
few quick swishes, she wrung out all the water from each piece
and placed them all in her laundry basket. By now her hands were
numb from the cold water and the breeze that fluttered through
the fir and pine trees. Juliana decided that if she was still doing
this type of work in the summer, she would carry her laundry to
the creek for rinsing.
When the miners' children were playing nearby in the woods,
they would venture into the clearing around her wash fire as she sat
on a stump reading. It wasn't long before she'd made friends with
the curious children. Soon she wound up reading to them or telling
them stories from the books she had read. Most of them had never
attended school. When Juliana had lived in Kansas, she had attended
school. After her father decided to go west searching for gold, her
schooling stopped. Luckily, her mother had a good upbringing and
education herself, and taught Juliana everything she could.
"Yoo-hoo, Juliana!" Her new friend Marion came springing
into the clearing where Juliana worked on the laundry.
"Morning," Juliana called out. Marion was good-hearted, and
Juliana was glad to have her friendship.
"Are you nearly through for the day, hon?"
"Soon as I hang out this basketful I will be. Good thing too.
My back has had enough for one day."
"Great. How about going to lunch with me in town?"
"Oh, I couldn't, Marion." Juliana didn't want to spend her few
precious coins on dinner in town.
"Nonsense, you'll be my guest. We'll go to the Stockton Hotel
for lunch. I know the manager there." She giggled.
"But, I can't let you do that-"
"Sure you can. We'll get these hung in no time." Marion picked
up the basket and walked toward the clothesline behind Juliana's
Juliana followed obediently, half-smiling. Her redheaded friend
loved to be in control. Truth be known, she needed someone to
make a few decisions for her right now.
Juliana's mouth watered at the thought of a good meal prepared
by someone else for a change. She tried not to be envious
of Marion's doting father, who just happened to be the manager
and owner of the Stockton Hotel.
Marion prattled away as the two began hanging the clean laundry
out in the bright sunshine. Her enthusiasm for life made her
such a joy to be around. Bursting with energy, she was the apple
of her father's eye, but she pretended not to notice, and it had
little effect on her one way or another. She liked most people and
seemed to feel it was her God-given authority to help others live
out their potential.
Juliana wanted to be like her friend, who was always smiling.
But she didn't have a whole lot to smile about. At least not right
now. She couldn't remember the last time she felt happy.
After the last piece of clothing was hung, Juliana opened the
cabin door, being careful not to open it wide enough for her friend
to see inside the cabin. She was embarrassed at its bareness and
didn't want Marion to feel sorry for her, or she might get it into
her head to try to fix the problem herself.
She slipped in to tell her mother that she was going with Marion.
Her mother stood washing dishes.
"I thought I told you to sit down and rest, Mama."
"Now, Juliana, you know I can't sit all day with you out there
slaving over that hot kettle of wash. Besides, my joints feel better
if I move around a bit."
"Mama, Marion wants to take me to lunch. Is that okay with
you? I'm through with the wash and got it all hanging out."
"Baby, you don't need to be asking me. You're nearly eighteen.
A grown woman. You go and enjoy a break-you deserve it."
Juliana's mother dried her arthritic hands on the kitchen towel
and reached over to touch her daughter's hair lovingly.
"Want me to bring something back for you?" She planned on
returning with at least a roll from her lunch in her pocket.
"Don't worry about me. I'll have a cup of soup. Actually, that
sounds tasty. Right tasty."
"Mama, you're too thin. Why don't you come with us? I don't
think Marion would mind."
"Juliana, I couldn't impose. I'm fine." She shooed her daughter
toward the door.
"I'll be back in time to get the clothes off the line." Juliana
grabbed her cape off the peg by the door and skipped out the door
and down the lane to where Marion stood waiting patiently. But
she was feeling guilty for an afternoon off.
The walk to the center of Lewistown didn't take them long.
Juliana noticed the usual flurry of activity in the small boomtown,
which lent an air of friendliness to its huge flux of homesteaders
coming west or those just passing through.
"I'm glad you came along, Juliana. We can talk girl talk and fill
our appetites with some of Pierre's delicious cuisine."
"Thanks for asking me. I take it Pierre is a chef at the hotel?"
"Yes. Daddy found him down on his luck after coming west
from France to seek his fortune. I'm sure when he has enough
saved, he will open up his own little café. Just to warn you, he is
quite the flirt." Marion giggled. "But pay him no mind. He talks
to all the ladies in such a way that they nearly swoon."
"Interesting. I've never met a Frenchman before." Juliana held
the hotel door open for her friend.
They were quickly greeted by Marion's father. "Marion, dear. I
see you've brought your new friend." Marion's father was sharply
dressed in a suit with his monocle hanging from his brocade
vest. Juliana could detect a hint of aftershave as he reached out
to grab her hand.
"Father, this is Juliana. Juliana, this is the world's greatest
"Oh please, Marion, you're going to make me blush, to be sure."
He twirled his mustache curl between his thick fingers, and his
eyes twinkled.
"I'm very glad to meet you, Mr. Stockton." Juliana could tell by
his manner that he was a sociable sort, and his stature was what
Juliana's mother would call "low chunky." The thought almost
made her giggle. He would be easy to like.
"Come right this way, girls. I have the perfect table waiting just
for the two of you near the window."
Following Mr. Stockton to their table, Juliana surveyed the
rich furnishings of the restaurant with pleasure. Crisp white linen
tablecloths with a rose in the center of each table lifted her spirits,
along with the din of clinking glass, china, and conversation.
She felt thoroughly out of place in her plain calico dress, but at
least her brown woolen cape covered the upper part of her dress.
Juliana felt the stares of the patrons but kept her chin up despite
the butterflies in her stomach.
Beautiful artwork lined the walls above the tables, but one in
particular caught Juliana's eye. Pausing to get a better look, she
saw that it was a sketch of a man and his dog sitting in comfortable
silence. The man had thick brown hair, but something in his
amber eyes drew her closer. The irises were large, and she sensed a
depth of softness in their expression. One hand lovingly rested on
the shoulder of his dog. Somehow he reflected a man of character
and one whose word would not be taken lightly.
"Ah, I see you like the newest piece I acquired." Mr. Stockton
tucked his thumbs into his vest pockets.
"I do indeed, but I'm not quite sure why. Who is he?"
"I don't know him, but the man I bought this from said he
was a sheepherder. The artist captured the very soul of the man
through his eyes, don't you think? I feel very confident that this
artist will someday be quite famous."
Juliana smiled at her friend's father. He apparently thought
himself a connoisseur of fine art. "You may be right, Mr. Stockton."
Dragging her eyes from the picture, Juliana realized Marion was
already seated by the window waiting for her, so she hurried to
their table.
Mr. Stockton pulled out the chair for her and laid the linen
napkin in her lap as if his daughter's friend were royalty. Juliana
was very pleased he would show her such consideration, as though
he were unaware that she was not accustomed to eating her meals
out. But she was certain he knew otherwise.
"There you are. I thought I'd lost you, friend." Marion's silverthroated
laugh filled the air.
"I was looking at the art your father has collected."
"Yes, well, he fancies himself a great art collector and then
later sells some of the art to dealers or people looking to decorate
their homes. But he starts with showing them right here in the
restaurant." Marion opened her menu. "I'm starved. How about
you? What are you in the mood for?"
"Mmm, just about anything." Juliana opened her menu, but in
her mind, all she could see was the sheepherder's eyes.

Discussion Questions
1. The images of jewels and precious stones run throughout this story. Many of the characters struggle with deciding what is really important: wealth and security or love and faith in God. Read Matthew 13:45-46 and discuss this description of heaven. Does this relate to the self-discoveries of any of the characters? Is this struggle between striving for things and sacrificing for heaven present in your life?2. Juliana has been hurt by the abandonment of her father and the death of her mother. She feels completely alone. In this deep loneliness what does she discover about the nature of God and the true definition of family? Have you ever felt the fear and hurt of loneliness? What did you learn about God, about yourself, or about those around you in that time?
3. Josh thought he had found his life partner back in Colorado but Crystal broke his heart and married Luke. After moving to Montana and starting a new life Josh begins to understand and accept that God had brought Crystal and Luke together and there is someone else out there for him. How do you know when you have found true love? Is there one or only one perfect match for everyone? What is different for Josh with Juliana that he didn't feel or experience with Crystal?
4. When her mother dies Juliana is determined to be independent and not rely on anyone. How does this affect her relationship with Josh or her relationship with Marion? Charity is an important theme in the story. What is the difference between giving freely from the heart and giving out of a sense of moral obligation or superiority? Where do you see these two different approaches to charity in the story?
5. Juliana carries around much bitterness, anger, and hurt toward her father through much of the novel because he left and never came back. Have you ever been deeply wounded by someone you trusted? Did you have a moment of confrontation and confession as Juliana and Davin did as he was dying? Did that experience help to heal the wound? Do you still struggle to forgive that person?
6. Josh is concerned about the age difference between Juliana and him. He also marvels at how well he and Andy work together though they are also far apart in age. Marion, Esther, and Cynthia are examples of the role that social and economic class plays in the community. How do these age and social class distinctions keep people apart? How do they impact relationships? Have you ever been surprised by a kinship and connection with someone outside your social circle? What did you discover?
7. The role of women at this period in history is very different from what most women experience today. What does Juliana's job at the newspaper and her relationship with Albert say about how women were viewed at that time? Does this indicate the status of women was changing? What do you think makes Albert take a chance on hiring Juliana, though she is a woman and very young?
8. Animals in the novel are not merely commodities or property. Discuss Josh's feelings toward and relationship with Shebe. What makes her special? Have you ever had a special relationship with an animal or a pet? What does this tell us about our commission to care for God's planet and God's creatures?
9. Trust is a significant issue for Juliana. Through most of the novel she is hesitant to lean on anyone or ask for anything. Read the last paragraph on page 273. How does this mark a change for Juliana? What is the difference between independence and interdependence? What does Juliana learn about this in the story?
10. Did you have a favorite moment in the story? What was it? Why is it your favorite? Can you relate this to an experience you have had in your own life?
Notes From the Author to the Bookclub
My book is really about what is more desirable: The love of the "jewels" of this world and what they can buy or finding the more eternal jewel-the true value of a woman's love. In The Jewel of His Heart, Juliana Brady is alone in an 1890s Montana mining town, with few prospects for making a living. But she is determined not to be dependent on the charity of others. Josh McBride is trying to scrape up a living from his sheep herd while he builds his ranch. But when he discovers some rare stones on his property, he's tempted by the prospect of fast money. When their paths cross, Juliana and Josh must make a choice-the world's riches and promises, or the eternal value of love. My inspiration for my book came after I had just left my first ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers conference while visiting MT to see my brother's writing cabin shortly after his sudden death. I discovered the story of Yogo Sapphires, and was intrigued with the brilliance of the cornflower blue colored stone and the history behind it. I own a beautiful Yogo and diamond ring. The first six chapters were written on my second trip to Montana.Book Club Recommendations
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