Why My Wife Thinks I'm an Idiot: The Life and Times of a Sportscaster Dad
by Mike Greenberg

Published: 2007-05-15
Paperback : 240 pages
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Meet Mike Greenberg, the popular host of ESPN Radio's Mike and Mike in the Morning, the highest-rated drive-time sports talk show on the dial. To his three-million-plus listeners, Greeny is the guy who's equally as comfortable dissecting zone defenses as he is discussing cashmere ...
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(Meet Mike Greenberg, the popular host of ESPN Radio's Mike and Mike in the Morning, the highest-rated drive-time sports talk show on the dial. To his three-million-plus listeners, Greeny is the guy who's equally as comfortable dissecting zone defenses as he is discussing cashmere sweaters. He's been to Super Bowls and World Series, All-Star Games and Final Fours. He's interviewed Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, and Wayne Gretzky. He gets paid to enthuse about sports, which means he's the envy of most men in America.
This is the hilarious, sometimes touching, and endlessly entertaining debut of one of America's fastest-rising sportscasters, a wry and revealing look at one man's good-hearted but mistake-prone attempt to grow up before his children do. Marriage, fatherhood, manhood, fame, athletes, crazed aunts with gambling problems, the true significance of sports, the worst possible thing to say in a room full of pregnant women?no topic is beyond his reach. But don?t take our word on it, read what Greeny has to say about:
? Dating: ?People who reminisce fondly about dating are blocking out all the disasters and focusing only on the few great nights. If that is all you choose to remember, fine. But be aware that no experience is without good moments. I?m sure during the sacking of Rome there were a few decent nights; maybe they put on a play.?
? Life on the road:
?Wife + television = no sleep.?
?No wife + no television = no sleep.?
?Wife + no television = sleep.?
?No wife + television = porn.?
? Keeping things in perspective: ?Never assume you know more than the guy in the camouflage tux.?
? And, of course, marriage: ?All of us are married to women who think we?re idiots.?
Whether he's talking trash on the radio or talking dirty diapers over a fancy dinner, Greeny's determined to reconcile two halves of a whole. So if your enthusiasm has ever been curbed, or you?re feeling remote without the remote, or you?re just wondering what exactly goes on in a guy's brain, Why My Wife Thinks I?m an Idiot will be a source of comfort and unadulterated laughter.

From the Hardcover edition.

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