Plum Blossoms in Paris
by Sarah Hina

Published: 2010-06-15
Paperback : 317 pages
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Post-grad neuroscience student Daisy Lockhart has never been short on brains, but after her longtime boyfriend, Andy Templeton, dumps her through e-mail, she is short on dreams. Alone for the first time in six years, Daisy allows herself to finally be an individual instead of half of a couple. On a ...
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Post-grad neuroscience student Daisy Lockhart has never been short on brains, but after her longtime boyfriend, Andy Templeton, dumps her through e-mail, she is short on dreams. Alone for the first time in six years, Daisy allows herself to finally be an individual instead of half of a couple. On a mission towards self-discovery, new adventures, and healing her wounded soul, Daisy travels to Paris. Upon her arrival, she meets Mathieu, a mysterious intellectual with a carefree spirit, and Daisy begins to experience the passion and the fulfillment she craves. Daisy's tense battle between possible love and her newly found freedom forces her to decide what she really wants.

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Mathieu insists that we walk along the quay first, that the restaurants are empty at this time of the evening, that nobody in his right mind—he’s excepting Americans—eats at ten before seven. He wants me to see something. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Did Daisy change throughout the book? What do you think will be the lasting impact of those changes to her life back in America?

2. If Daisy had stayed in Paris, would her relationship with Mathieu have endured? If no, why not?

3. How did Daisy’s relationship to her country evolve throughout the book? Did she become more or less idealistic during her time in Paris?

4. How did you feel about Mathieu by the end of the book? Were his deceptions excusable, or did he betray his own beliefs too often to deserve any empathy or loyalty?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from the Author:

My original inspiration for Plum Blossoms in Paris sprang from two rich sources: Henry James’ Daisy Miller and a life-long love affair with Paris. I wanted to breathe new life into the fish-out-of-water archetype, for a twenty-first century American woman.

It’s a story about a young lady, Daisy Lockhart, who seeks out Paris as a refuge for her wounded heart, but finds instead a tenuous freedom to love and live in a City of Lights that, for all its beauty, also harbors many shadows. Especially for an American tourist in 2004, with an Iraq War sharply dividing two continents.

For me, the romance between Daisy and Mathieu—while poignant and immensely gratifying to write—is almost secondary to the growth that Daisy achieves during her Paris stay. I wanted her to discover a slumbering sense of idealism, with all of the passion and outrage that entails, while also navigating the thorny reality of trying to love a man and establish an identity in a country where she is an outsider. In the end, which is more important: to love well or to be authentically ourselves? Daisy must make that choice—in the most romantic city in the world.

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