A Shore Thing: An Otter Bay Novel
by Julie Carobini

Published: 2010-07-01
Paperback : 392 pages
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Callie Duflay just isn't like the rest of her family. While they've built white collar lives, she prefers getting her hands dirty by working with children and local California causes. When Callie learns that a beloved piece of untouched property in her town of Otter Bay may soon be developed, she ...
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Callie Duflay just isn't like the rest of her family. While they've built white collar lives, she prefers getting her hands dirty by working with children and local California causes. When Callie learns that a beloved piece of untouched property in her town of Otter Bay may soon be developed, she confronts the architect assigned to the project.Gage Mitchell may be an easygoing, eco-friendly professional, but he's not about to back off this job no matter how cute Callie or her pet pooch, Moondoggy, may be. His reasons and hers are noble—both have a heart for protecting God's creation, and the truth is these two would be perfect for each other outside of this face-off. But will they ever figure that out?

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The rope in my hand resembled a noose. “Sorry, pal, but it was all I could find.” The stray doggy with the dewdrop eyes found me as I jogged along the shores of Otter Bay. Now with a makeshift leash wrapped around his skinny neck, our trot through the woods on the way to my sister’s house was my half-hearted attempt to find his owner. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Which character in A Shore Thing did you relate to most, and why?
2. Callie is the youngest of her family. How has your own birth order affected your relationships with your siblings positively and/or negatively? What role has your faith played in your sibling relationships?
3. On the heels of a bad day, Callie catches sight of a man flicking a cigarette into the sea. Have you ever come upon a situation that caused you to react quickly? What part did your mood at the time play in your handling of the situation?
4. What is some of the best advice you’ve ever heard about handling conflict? (see Gal. 5:15 for why resolving conflict is important.)
5. Gage Mitchell believes that God has given him this chance to start fresh in a new town, so he throws himself into designing the development for the cliffs of Otter Bay. If you were in his place, how might you have reacted to Callie’s vehement challenge?
6. What did you like or dislike about Gage, and why?
7. Callie’s older brother Jim seems to have it all, yet he’s unmovable when it comes to helping his younger sister with her quests. Why do you think that is? Have you ever known anyone so stubborn (no need to name names here)? What did you do (or might you have done) to help them change their hardened ways?
8. In their own ways, both Callie and Gage desire to honor God by taking care of his creation (Genesis 2:15). Have you ever agreed with someone in theory, as they seem to, yet still found yourself in bitter conflict with them? How did you handle that?
9. The terms “eco-friendly” and “green” often polarize people in today’s world. Do you think a balance could or should be struck? Why or why not? What are your thoughts about Callie’s and Gage’s views on these topics?
10. What did you think about Ruth’s involvement in the SOS group? In your opinion, how were her motives the same as or different from Callie’s?
11. Callie often tried to ‘read’ what her boss, Thomas aka ‘Squid’, thought about her community activities. Do you ever find yourself considering other people’s opinions about your causes? How much does it matter to you what other people think about you?
12. What burden did you see Callie carrying and how did she find release from it? Can you relate? Why or why not? (see Col. 3:13).
13. How did the camp’s theme (from Matthew 7:24) come into play in Callie and Gage’s lives?
14. Callie loves children, but not the idea of pregnancy. How had her opinion been shaped over the years? Have you ever clung to an idea only to have it change abruptly years later?
15. The opening line of A Shore Thing is “The rope in my hand resembled a noose.” In your opinion, what might those words symbolize?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from the Author:

Dear Reader,

I’m thrilled to continue the Otter Bay Novels with A Shore Thing, once again set in a favorite locale: the rocky, central California coast. It’s a place where playful otters, glorious seascapes—and in this story—life’s sudden twists abound.

I hope that when you read A Shore Thing your senses draw in the scent of pine mixed with the ocean breeze, and you feel the brisk wind licking your cheeks. Most of all, I hope that as you watch Callie and Gage struggle to be like the wise builder (from Matthew 7:24), that you find yourself rooting for God’s will to win out.

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