Life Changing,

2 reviews

The Ultimate Gift
by Jim Stovall, Dawn Billings

Published: 2000-04-01
Paperback : 124 pages
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Red Stevens was a self-made man who gave his family everything-and ruined them in the process. Now, as his estate of oil companies and cattle ranches is divided among greedy and self-serving relatives, one member is singled out for something special: Red's great-nephew, Jason. In a ...
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(Red Stevens was a self-made man who gave his family everything-and ruined them in the process. Now, as his estate of oil companies and cattle ranches is divided among greedy and self-serving relatives, one member is singled out for something special: Red's great-nephew, Jason. In a darkened room, isolated from the rest of his family, Jason is confronted by the image of his deceased great uncle on a video monitor.

"Jason, I lived my life in a big way. I had a lot of big accomplishments, and I made a lot of big mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was when I gave everyone in our family everything that they thought they ever wanted. It took me many years to figure out that everything we'll ever do or know or have in this life is a gift from the good Lord. He has a special plan for each of us, and he has provided everything we need to fulfill that plan. I spent many years trying to achieve happiness or buy it for friends and family. Only as an old man did I come to learn that all happiness comes from the gifts that God has given us. Unfortunately, the money and possessions I spread around didn't help people to understand the gifts that have been provided for us. In trying to make up for all the times that I wasn't there, I gave them all material things. In doing so, I robbed them of everything that made my life wonderful.

"You may be the last vestige of hope in our family. Although your life to date seems to be a sorry excuse for anything that I would call promising, there does seem to be some spark of something in you I am hoping we can capture and fan into a flame..."

...So begins a twelve month quest for purpose and meaning in an empty life, as Jason attempts to complete the tasks required to receive Red Stevens' greatest bequest.

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

Would you add another gift besides the 12 gifts in the book?
What do you think the most important gift out of the 12?
by Wits-End (see profile) 02/24/10

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "A great read"by Denise L. (see profile) 01/11/11

I think this should be a gift for every young adult. It just reminds us what is really important in this life.

  "All the gifts we have that we don't appreciate or use"by Kimberly M. (see profile) 02/24/10

The ultimate gifts teachers a spoil rich kid the 12 most important gifts we should have in order to leave a happy and productive life. After reading the book you want to pass it on to young children and... (read more)

  "Short and Sweet"by Sydney K. (see profile) 01/06/09

I really enjoyed this book, I read it in a couple of hours and thought it was a great story. I can't wait to read the 2nd book in the series. There is so much you can talk about with this little book.

  "a gift to books clubs"by Jennifer M. (see profile) 12/08/07

So many discussion possibilities- from what would you do on your perfect day, to what lesson would you want to teach someone you love before you die. Everyone loved the book and was sorry when the evening... (read more)

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