El Asesinato de Roger Ackroyd (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd) (Hercule Poirot Mysteries) (Spanish Edition)
by Agatha Christie, G. Bernard De Ferrer
Paperback : 272 pages
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(Hercule Poirot Mysteries Series In the quiet village of King's Abbot, a widow's suicide has stirred suspicion and dreadful gossip. There are rumors she murdered her first husband, that she was being blackmailed and that her secret lover was Roger Ackroyd. Then Ackroyd is found murdered and all the members of the household stand to gain from his death. Hercule Poirot, who has retired to King's Abbot to grow vegetable marrows, is reluctantly drawn into finding an extremely clever, and devious killer.
Description in Spanish: Mrs.Ferrari ha muerto v�ctima de una sobredosis de somn�feros. Hace un a�o, su marido muri� al parecer de una gastritis aguda. Carolina Sheppard, la hermana del m�dico del pueblo, sospecha que fue envenenado. Poco despu�s, Roger Ackroyd, el terrateniente de la villa, aparece muerto con una daga tunecina clavada en la espalda. �Estar�n las tres muertes relacionadas? �Tendr� Carolina razones para sospechar?
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