
1 review

Soup: A Recipe to Nourish Your Team and Culture
by Jon Gordon

Published: 2010-05-24
Hardcover : 164 pages
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Why it matters who's stirring the pot

Soup offers an inspirational business fable that explains the "recipe" you can use to create a winning culture and boost employee morale and engagement. The story follows Nancy, the newly anointed CEO of America's Favorite Soup Company. She has ...

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(Why it matters who's stirring the pot

Soup offers an inspirational business fable that explains the "recipe" you can use to create a winning culture and boost employee morale and engagement. The story follows Nancy, the newly anointed CEO of America's Favorite Soup Company. She has been brought in to reinvigorate the brand and bring success back to a company that has lost its flavor and profit and has fallen on hard times. Fatefully, while eating lunch at a local soup shop, Nancy discovers the key ingredients to unite, engage, and inspire her team and create a culture of greatness.

  • From the bestselling author of The Energy Bus, The No Complaining Rule, and Training Camp
  • Find out how culture drives behavior, behavior drives habits, and habits deliver results
  • Create relationships that are the foundation upon which successful careers and winning teams are built
  • Features quick takeaways you can use to invest in your people, build trust, create unity, and enhance engagement

A turnaround tale like few others, Soup will inspire you to work in your own company to unleash the passion that delivers superior results.

Soup offers an inspirational business fable that explains the "recipe" you can use to create a winning culture and boost employee morale and engagement. The story follows Nancy, the newly anointed CEO of America's Favorite Soup Company. She has been brought in to reinvigorate the brand and bring success back to a company that has lost its flavor and profit and has fallen on hard times. Fatefully, while eating lunch at a local soup shop, Nancy discovers the key ingredients to unite, engage, and inspire her team and create a culture of greatness.

  • From the bestselling author of The Energy Bus, The No Complaining Rule, and Training Camp
  • Find out how culture drives behavior, behavior drives habits, and habits deliver results
  • Create relationships that are the foundation upon which successful careers and winning teams are built
  • Features quick takeaways you can use to invest in your people, build trust, create unity, and enhance engagement

A turnaround tale like few others, Soup will inspire you to work in your own company to unleash the passion that delivers superior results.

Characteristics of Great Leaders
Content from author Jon Gordon

Challenging times require leaders who can lead others through the challenges. Now more than ever we need great leadership in our government, schools, businesses, hospitals and organizations. Good leadership won?t suffice. We need great leadership. There is a difference.

? Good leaders get people to believe in them.
? Great leaders inspire people to believe in themselves.
? Good leaders say ?Watch what I can do.?
? Great leaders say ?Let me show you what you can do.?
? Good leaders catch fish for others so they can eat today.
? Great leaders teach people how to fish so they can eat for a lifetime.

Having worked with countless leaders over the years in businesses, schools and professional sports I?ve realized that great leadership is really a transfer of belief. Great leaders share their belief, vision, purpose and passion with others and in the process they inspire others to believe, act and impact. Great leaders are positively contagious and they instill confidence and belief in others.

Great sales managers inspire their sales people to believe in themselves and their product/service. Great school principals inspire their teachers to believe they can make a difference. Great teachers inspire and empower their students to believe in themselves. Great pastors inspire their congregations to serve and impact the community. Great sports coaches inspire their teams to believe they can win. And the people who have changed the world have been those who instilled in others the confidence to step up, serve, take initiative and create positive change. You don?t need a title to be a leader. You just need to lead.

To lead others in a powerful way you must invite them on your bus, share your vision for the road ahead and then encourage, empower and inspire them to drive their own bus. In the process, instead of having just one bus that you drive, you create a fleet of buses and bus drivers, all moving in the same positive direction. When you create a fleet of buses and empower people to drive their own bus, you generate an amazing amount of power and momentum that becomes an unstoppable force. This is what great leadership is all about.

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Overall rating:
  "Great Book for Work"by Kris C. (see profile) 04/15/11

Wonderful book of easy steps to building teams. Wonderful for those new to management.

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