Rhythms: A Novel
by Donna Hill

Published: 2002-09-14
Paperback : 336 pages
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It all began in 1927, in the small town of Rudell, Mississippi, after the sudden and tragic death of Cora Harvey's parents. She has nothing left except her burning desire to become a singer. But her dream will never come true in Rudell, especially if she marries the man she adores, Dr. ...
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It all began in 1927, in the small town of Rudell, Mississippi, after the sudden and tragic death of Cora Harvey's parents. She has nothing left except her burning desire to become a singer. But her dream will never come true in Rudell, especially if she marries the man she adores, Dr. David Mackey. So when she sets out for Chicago, everyone in the close knit community, including David believes that the next time they see Cora, her name will be in lights. However, it's not long before Cora finds herself back in Rudell and back in David's arms harboring a secret she dare not reveal. . .A secret that will cause her daughter, Emma to flee Rudell with no intention of ever looking back. And even when Emma finds the perfect man and happiness at last, she is determined to do whatever it takes to keep her family's shameful past at bay. Then the dream that began with Cora comes full circle with her beloved granddaughter Parris whose melodic voice fills the dimly lit nightclubs of New York City. Yet, when tragedy strikes, opening a door to the past, Parris discovers the hidden truths that have ripped the family apart---but which may ultimately bind them together at last.

From the dusty roads of the Delta to the pulsing metropolis of New York City, Rhythms is a rich, unforgettable tale about loss and healing, redemption and love.

Editorial Review

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Discussion Questions

How did Joshua Harvey's role as the town pastor have an effect on his daughter Cora who wanted to sing secular music?

How did Emma discover that she could pass? Is this still possible today? Is it necessary?

Why did blacks prior to Civil Rights feel the need/desperation to pass?

How does music play a role in the novel?

How does the legacy of the Harvey/ Mckay family play out from one generation to the next?

What was Emma really searching for?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

No notes at this time.

Book Club Recommendations

Excellent book for club discussions
by TinaRichell (see profile) 04/27/11

Member Reviews

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  "Rhythmic Journey"by Tina M. (see profile) 04/27/11

Rudell, Mississippi, 1927. Three generations of women all longing to leave small town life behind and explore the possibilities of fulfilling their dreams in the big city.

Donna Hill tak

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