The Pianist in the Dark
by Michele Halberstadt

Published: 2011-07-12
Kindle Edition : 0 pages
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A stirring novel of love and music inspired by the life of pianist Maria-Theresa von Paradis, a blind virtuoso who was a contemporary of Mozart and Salieri Maria-Theresa von Paradis, the only daughter of the secretary of the empress of Austria, was an exceptionally gifted child. By the ...
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A stirring novel of love and music inspired by the life of pianist Maria-Theresa von Paradis, a blind virtuoso who was a contemporary of Mozart and Salieri

Maria-Theresa von Paradis, the only daughter of the secretary of the empress of Austria, was an exceptionally gifted child. By the age of seventeen, she was a full-fledged virtuoso, playing for the royal family, acclaimed for her beauty and talent . . . and because she was blind. Her father, unable to accept her condition despite her soaring musical gifts, enlists the help of Franz Anton Mesmer, the forerunner of the modern practice of hypnotism, where Maria-Theresa discovers the passions and emotions from which her blindness had previously protected her.
In the tradition of Sleeping with Schubert and The Cellist of Sarajevo, the novel is a moving portrait of courage, loss, the elation of first love--and the pain of lost innocence.

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The Pianist in the Dark is a stirring novel of love and music inspired by the life of pianist Maria-Theresa von Paradis, a blind virtuoso who was a contemporary of Mozart and Salieri. With moving portraits of courage, loss, the elation of first love—and the pain of lost innocence, this novel is perfect for discussion about the rites of passage we all take toward adulthood. If your club is filled with lovers of prose and well-written literary fiction, then Michele Halberstadt’s poignant language is certain to reward your readers who love to languor over a well-turned phrase and rich paragraph as well.

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from author Michele Halberstadt:

Initially I wanted to produce a film about Franz Mesmer, a German physician whose research led to the development of hypnotism. I read quite a few books about him, and eventually discovered Mademoiselle Paradis, an eighteen-year-old blind musician whose blindness Franz tried unsuccessfully to “cure.” Whatever I read, the story was the same: she was a victim. She never decided anything in her life. She never had any control.

Drawn to her, I decided to make a work of fiction about her instead of making a film about him, and to give this woman the willpower she did not have, purportedly, in real life.

My idea was to write about a blind girl who does not consider her blindness as a curse or a catastrophy; rather, it is just part of who she is.

This interest and idea of mine, I now understand, was probably triggered by the fact that, when my daughter was born, she did not seem to see until she was nearly five months old. Although eye doctors said this could happen and there was no reason to be worried, I was, of course, sick with worries. And I remember telling myself then, “It's not so bad being blind. Being deaf would be worse. If she indeed is blind, I'll make her a happy blind person.”

Interestingly, I was not conscious of this associated until after I finished writing the book.

While I wrote (and changed) Paradis’ story, I did not want to listen to the music she wrote in real life. What if I had hated it? I would then no longer be able to reinvent her. Once I finished writing it, however, I went and listened to her most famous piece titled “La Sicilienne.” I was amazed to discover that her music sounded exactly like I had imagined it.

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