THE KING OF EGYPT: Special edition.
by J.J. Makins

Published: 2011-03-19
Kindle Edition : 0 pages
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The Book:
Raised a warrior, Tigris, crowned Nitiqreti, is the first female pharaoh. With a beauty that can bring men to their knees and a power that reaps respect from an army, she is prepared to take on any enemy. But, when a self-proclaimed king threatens to conquer her throne, Tigris ...
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The Book:
Raised a warrior, Tigris, crowned Nitiqreti, is the first female pharaoh. With a beauty that can bring men to their knees and a power that reaps respect from an army, she is prepared to take on any enemy. But, when a self-proclaimed king threatens to conquer her throne, Tigris is ready to declare war but could never be ready for what is about to unfold...

From the Author
Dear Reader,

I am your biggest fan. Without you--your passion to read, your love of story and your desire to escape into a place created on a tip of a pen held with the same passion, love and desire--the world would be imbalanced.

Perhaps your next journey will be engrossed amidst the pages of my novel, The King of Egypt, where I will send you into an ancient time and hopefully entice you to forget where you really are. I caution your heart and warn that I plot to capture your want for more. But, through it all, my greatest wish is that every moment you graciously gift your eyes across my words, I have given you something worthy in return.

J.J. Makins

About the Author
Jupiter Jennifer Makins grew up between Mississauga and Toronto in Ontario, Canada. She graduated at the top of her class in an Advertising (marketing) program at Centennial College but went on to work in TV production. However, her desire was always to write stories of her own both in literature and scripts. Compelled by a single moment in her own life and obliged by her college English instructor to write a short story, Makins did not know then that those two factors would steer her life towards becoming an author. When Makins assignment was returned by her school instructor with a note of encouragement that read, 'You should think about turning this story into a novel', the idea for The King of Egypt was born. But, it would be another 10 years before Makins would dedicate everything to this goal.

A breakout book ?The King of Egypt? is a breathtaking visual experience in all aspects of a literary work. Art, beauty, visually capturing, a must have on your bookshelf, if any written work can be prized this book is exactly that. Like the great South African Author Wilbur Smith's; River God, The Seventh Scrool, and Warlock this book is a masterpiece of beauty. #1 bestselling Author J. Darroll Hall?

Reviews and comments:
I loved the story so much that I also want to see it as a movie. --Meaghan

I was completely hooked to it, I laughed and cried with the characters, I had a beautiful journey in their world and time. --Anna

I just want to tell you, I don't read novels. I don't have the patience to read. But wow.......when I started reading the prologue....I was hooked! My imgination went wild!! I was sooo curious as to what was happening with the boy...especially the part where he was looking for his slipper. My heart was racing! --Cindy

The Book:
Raised a warrior, Tigris, crowned Nitiqreti, is the first female pharaoh. With a beauty that can bring men to their knees and a power that reaps respect from an army, she is prepared to take on any enemy. But, when a self-proclaimed king threatens to conquer her throne, Tigris is ready to declare war but could never be ready for what is about to unfold...

From the Author
Dear Reader,

I am your biggest fan. Without you--your passion to read, your love of story and your desire to escape into a place created on a tip of a pen held with the same passion, love and desire--the world would be imbalanced.

Perhaps your next journey will be engrossed amidst the pages of my novel, The King of Egypt, where I will send you into an ancient time and hopefully entice you to forget where you really are. I caution your heart and warn that I plot to capture your want for more. But, through it all, my greatest wish is that every moment you graciously gift your eyes across my words, I have given you something worthy in return.

J.J. Makins

About the Author
Jupiter Jennifer Makins grew up between Mississauga and Toronto in Ontario, Canada. She graduated at the top of her class in an Advertising (marketing) program at Centennial College but went on to work in TV production. However, her desire was always to write stories of her own both in literature and scripts. Compelled by a single moment in her own life and obliged by her college English instructor to write a short story, Makins did not know then that those two factors would steer her life towards becoming an author. When Makins assignment was returned by her school instructor with a note of encouragement that read, 'You should think about turning this story into a novel', the idea for The King of Egypt was born. But, it would be another 10 years before Makins would dedicate everything to this goal.

A breakout book ?The King of Egypt? is a breathtaking visual experience in all aspects of a literary work. Art, beauty, visually capturing, a must have on your bookshelf, if any written work can be prized this book is exactly that. Like the great South African Author Wilbur Smith's; River God, The Seventh Scrool, and Warlock this book is a masterpiece of beauty. #1 bestselling Author J. Darroll Hall?

Reviews and comments:
I loved the story so much that I also want to see it as a movie. --Meaghan

I was completely hooked to it, I laughed and cried with the characters, I had a beautiful journey in their world and time. --Anna

I just want to tell you, I don't read novels. I don't have the patience to read. But wow.......when I started reading the prologue....I was hooked! My imgination went wild!! I was sooo curious as to what was happening with the boy...especially the part where he was looking for his slipper. My heart was racing! --Cindy

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