
3 reviews

The Book of Lost Things: A Novel
by John Connolly

Published: 2006-11-07
Hardcover : 352 pages
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New York Times bestselling author John Connolly's unique imagination takes readers through the end of innocence into adulthood and beyond in this dark and triumphantly creative novel of grief and loss, loyalty and love, and the redemptive power of stories.

High in his attic bedroom, ...

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(New York Times bestselling author John Connolly's unique imagination takes readers through the end of innocence into adulthood and beyond in this dark and triumphantly creative novel of grief and loss, loyalty and love, and the redemptive power of stories.

High in his attic bedroom, twelve-year-old David mourns the death of his mother. He is angry and alone, with only the books on his shelf for company. But those books have begun to whisper to him in the darkness, and as he takes refuge in his imagination, he finds that reality and fantasy have begun to meld. While his family falls apart around him, David is violently propelled into a land that is a strange reflection of his own world, populated by heroes and monsters, and ruled over by a faded king who keeps his secrets in a mysterious book... The Book of Lost Things.

An imaginative tribute to the journey we must all make through the loss of innocence into adulthood, John Connolly's latest novel is a book for every adult who can recall the moment when childhood began to fade, and for every adult about to face that moment. The Book of Lost Things is a story of hope for all who have lost, and for all who have yet to lose. It is an exhilarating tale that reminds us of the enduring power of stories in our lives.

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Overall rating:
by Susan K. (see profile) 12/21/23

by Bethany B. (see profile) 01/26/20

by Carol K. (see profile) 01/10/20

  "The Book of Lost Things"by robin l. (see profile) 02/28/12

A multi-layered imaginative book that evokes childhood memories and fears. The power of the mind and books themselves are explored but leaves the reader often wondering where our reality lies: in the mind... (read more)

  "Not for children, but excellent for adult readers"by Sarah M. (see profile) 05/26/11

As stated in other reviews, this book is very dark, but a wonderfully written, witty and dark coming of age story of a young boy following changes in his family structure. The themes as well as the play... (read more)

  "The Book of Lost Things"by erin i. (see profile) 11/15/10

This book was a complete escape. It brings back a lot of forgotten feelings from childhood and was very well written. The twist on the fairy tales may have been disturbing to some readers but I found... (read more)

  "The Book of Lost Things"by Maryann G. (see profile) 05/20/09

Very touching story of an unhappy young boy and the fantastic journey that brings him to realize how fortunate he is.

  "A fantastical journey through magical kingdoms"by Kerri F. (see profile) 01/21/09

This is a story of David and his journey into the magical kingdom of books and stories. He goes across (time? space? realities?) and ends up in a mixture of fairy tales. As we all know, those fairy tales... (read more)

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