
2 reviews

Blue Moon Promise (Under Texas Stars)
by Colleen Coble

Published: 2012-02-14
Paperback : 320 pages
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"Coble is a great writer, she knows what readers want and she does not disappoint."-Romantic Times

Lucy Marsh's worldly resources are running out, but she's fiercely determined to care for her younger brother and sister. When she discovers that their father's recent death was no ...

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"Coble is a great writer, she knows what readers want and she does not disappoint."-Romantic Times

Lucy Marsh's worldly resources are running out, but she's fiercely determined to care for her younger brother and sister. When she discovers that their father's recent death was no accident, Lucy is eager to leave town. She accepts a proxy marriage she believes will provide safe refuge. But trouble follows her to Texas where her new husband is surprised to suddenly have a wife and children to care for.

Nate Stanton always hoped he'd marry someday, but running the family ranch meant he had no time for romance. When his father deposits Lucy Marsh-a city girl-on his doorstep, with two siblings in the bargain, he expects ranch life will send her running on the first train out of town. But Lucy is made of tougher stuff than Nate imagined. When danger moves in, Nate finds he'd give anything to protect Lucy and the children he's grown to love. Even if it means giving up his ranch.

Blue Moon Promise is a story of hope, romance, and suspense . . . immersing the reader in a rich historical tale set under Texas stars.

Editorial Review

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Lucy Marsh pulled her threadbare coat around her neck and
hurried down the snow-clogged street. Glancing behind
her, she saw only the snow drifting onto run-down houses.
The rapid thump of her pulse began to calm, and she managed to
breathe through her tight lungs.
Maybe it was her imagination. For the past week she’d caught
a glimpse of the same man every evening after work, and until
today, she told herself he must live in the same general area. But
she’d left early today and he had still been there. This time he
seemed to watch her. A black coat covered him and he wore a hat
pulled low over his face, so only the twitch of his smooth-shaven
chin appeared. When she stopped and stared at him, he darted
around the corner of the building.
She took the opportunity and dashed across the street, skirting
the horse and carriage blocking her path to the house. The
roof leaked and wind blew through the boards and under the windowsills,
but it had been home for ten years. Glancing behind her
again, she saw no sign of the man so she hurried up the steps.
Pressing her hand to her stomach, she paused and wished she
didn’t have to go inside. What was she going to do now? Mrs.
Hanson had been apologetic about letting her go. It was hard
times and not her work that necessitated firing her. But the hard
facts didn’t feed them. While 1877 had been a bad year so far,
Indiana had been particularly hard hit.
But she would find a way. She always managed.
The steps to the porch took careful navigation. They tilted to
the front, and it was easy to lose her balance. She paused outside
the door. The children would worry, so she tried on a smile. When
it stayed in place, she turned the doorknob. Before she could open
the door, Amos Cramer’s gruff voice stopped her.
“One moment, Miss Marsh,” he panted, hurrying up the steps
toward her. He was a large, red-faced man with sparse gray hair
and a handlebar mustache. He parked himself in front of her door
and wheezed, struggling to catch his breath.
She had tried to be kind to their landlord until Mr. Cramer
mistook her kindness for romantic interest. Now she just tried to
stay out of his way when he came to collect the rent. Her back
against the door, Lucy pressed away as far as she could to escape
the strong odor of stale perspiration that drifted toward her.
He crowded closer. “I’m afraid I have some bad news for you.”
His muddy gaze slid avidly over her face and hair.
Lucy pressed tighter against the wall, though it gained her no
space between the odious man and herself. What now? She didn’t
think she could endure more bad news.
“I’ve decided to sell out and go back to New York. I’ve had
an offer I can’t refuse for this place. The new owner plans to tear
it down and build a store here.” He hesitated and rubbed his lips
with a dirty handkerchief. “I’m afraid I must ask you to leave
within the next seven days.”
Lucy gasped. “A week? How can I find something else in a
Amos shrugged. “I’m sorry, my dear. You might try that
boardinghouse over on Canal Street. They might have an opening.”
He pursed his lips and raked her figure with his gaze before
turning and waddling away.
Lucy’s throat grew thick. She couldn’t cry, not now. Tears
would frighten the children. Fingering her locket, she straightened
her shoulders and pushed open the door.
Her three-year-old sister launched herself against Lucy’s legs.
“Lucy, you was late.” Eileen stuck out her lower lip. “We has
Lucy looked toward the single chair in the tiny parlor. A man
with gray hair and penetrating charcoal eyes sat regarding her
calmly before he stood. There was something forbidding in his
face, and she inhaled. Please, God, have mercy. Her gaze sought
and found her brother, Jed. Twelve years old, he’d been a handful
all year. His hangdog expression did nothing to calm her fears.
His gaze remained on his worn shoes. “Uh, Lucy, this is—”
“I’ll introduce myself,” the gentleman interrupted. He stepped
toward her and stared into her eyes. “Henry Stanton of Larson,
Texas.” He shifted his gray Stetson in his hands. “Your father was
my boyhood friend. I came as soon as I heard of his death.”
Henry Stanton. Lucy struggled to remember if her father
had ever mentioned him. She knew her parents had grown up in
Texas. Her Uncle Drew was still there. “I’m delighted to meet you,
Mr. Stanton. How did you hear of our father’s death?”
“His wife wrote me asking for help, so I decided to make a
stop here on my way back from Chicago. Is she here?”
Lucy shook her head. “Catherine left right after Father died.”
The man frowned. “Left? I don’t understand.”
She didn’t like to speak ill of anyone, but he had to know why
Catherine wasn’t here. “Her, uh, friend showed up and she left
with him.”
“She abandoned her children?” His voice rose.
Lucy looked to where Eileen was playing with her doll. The
child didn’t seem to be paying attention. “I cared for them anyway,”
she whispered. “Catherine wasn’t good with children.”
“I see.” He pointed his hat at Jed. “Your brother is in a heap
of trouble, miss. He lifted my wallet when I talked with him on
the porch.”
Stealing? She stared at her brother and the guilt washed over
his face. “Jed, how could you?” It was too much. She sank onto
the edge of the bed and buried her burning eyes in her hands. Her
shoulders heaved as she tried to get her emotions under control.
The events of the past few weeks had drained her. When she raised
her head, she found Henry with a speculative look on his face.
“Please don’t distress yourself, Miss Lucy. Young Jed’s behavior
will be corrected on the ranch.”
“On the ranch?”
“Tell me, Miss Marsh, are you a Christian woman?”
Standing again, she straightened her shoulders and exhaled.
“Why, yes, sir, I am.”
“I thought as much. God has led me here for a purpose.” He
smiled. “I have a proposition for you.”
Her pulse quickened. Perhaps there would be a way out of these
dreadful circumstances yet. “What would that be, Mr. Stanton?”
“Have you read in the Bible how Abraham sent a servant out
to find a wife for Isaac?”
“Of course.” Lucy’s heart sank before beginning a rapid beat
against her chest. Surely he wasn’t offering for her hand. He was
old. Older than her father.
“That was my main purpose for this trip, though my son has
no idea of my mission. Now that I’ve met you, I believe you will
do nicely. Nate needs a wife like you.”
His son. Lucy’s limbs went weak. The room spun, and she sat
back on the edge of the bed.
“I can see I’ve shocked you.”
Lucy eyed the man. “Is—is your son a Christian?”
Mr. Stanton smiled. “That just confirms the Lord’s leading
me here. As soon as I clapped eyes on you, something reared up
inside me and I knew you were the right one for my Nate. Yes, my
boy is a Christian.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “I have my
son’s signature to act as his agent in all business matters for this
trip, so if you agree, I will arrange a proxy marriage. Right after
the ceremony we’ll leave for Texas. A train leaves at one o’clock
tomorrow afternoon.”
“Why would we not return to your ranch and see if your son
and I would suit?”
“You don’t know my boy. He is apt to send you packing rather
than listen to reason.” He shook his head. “No, this is the only
It felt wrong to surprise this unknown Nate. Lucy held up her
hand. “I’d rather know we suit before I pledge my life to a man.
And give him a chance to get to know me as well.”
He thrust out his chin. “This is my offer, Miss Lucy. It’s the
only one I’m making.” He nodded at her siblings. “Think of your
brother and sister. They will have warm beds and plenty of food to
eat. Fresh Texas air and plenty of room to grow up.”
Her main consideration was the children. While the thought
of marrying someone she didn’t know was most unappealing,
Lucy had to consider the offer. They were about to be evicted, and
she’d lost her job. How could she possibly support the children?
“I’d like time to pray about it.”
“I would expect nothing less from a good Christian woman.
I’ll return tomorrow at nine for your answer. If you’re accepting
my offer, have all your things packed. There will be no time to
spare.” His walking stick thumped on the floor as he walked to
the entry.
When the door closed behind him, Lucy clenched her hands
in her lap and turned to her brother. Too angry to speak, she just
looked at him.
Jed swallowed hard and took a step back. “It was a dare, Lucy.
I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. I was just funnin’. I gave it
back to him.”
“A dare? You risked jail for a dare?” She buried her head in her
hands. “Lord, help me,” she whispered.
She lifted her head, opened the locket, and stared at the face
of the unsmiling young woman. What would her mother have
her do? Lucy squared her shoulders. This wasn’t beyond her
“On your knees, children.” She sank to the floor. “We must
... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. One of the first things we try to do as Christians is to examine the idea of self-sacrifice. It goes against our nature as humans to put someone else above ourselves. Why do you think Lucy was good at this? Is it something innate, or was it something she learned?
2. Did you identify with Lucy’s insecurity? Why or why not?
3. What are ways we try to prove our self-worth to ourselves and to others? Where is our true self-worth found?
4. All families face strife from time to time, just as Nate and Roger did. What are some ways to handle strife in a biblical way?
5. Nate was hurt when he realized Lucy didn’t trust him enough to bring her worries to him. Is deceit ever warranted?
6. The Bible talks quite a lot about money and how an unhealthy attachment to it can affect our lives. Greed can be more than just the desire for money. What other desires can we humans be greedy for?
7. Did you identify with Lucy’s desire to be a blessing to her husband? Why or why not?
8. Lucy’s compulsion for control was an illustration of what I’ve been going through myself. How about you? Are you able to turn things over to God, or do you continually try to fix things?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from author Colleen Coble:

I read an article about marriage by proxy and was intrigued by the backstory. My imagination went into overdrive as I imagined what it would take for me to agree to something like that. It would have to involve my loved ones or I wouldn’t do it. Lucy is raising her two siblings after their father dies, and she’s just lost her job. On top of that, she and the children are about to be evicted. So the offer of a proxy marriage is a way to keep them all together, and she’s willing to do anything.

Lucy was a fun character to write—a caretaker and a “fixer” who has to learn that some things are outside of her control. I walked thatpath with Lucy this year too. My husband was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. That same week my best friend’s ovarian cancer returned. I immediately sprang into action to try to figure out what treatment would be best and how to fix things. But as the year progressed, I had to take my hands off and realize it was all in God’s hands. Lucy had to do the same. I hope readers close the book with the realization that control is just an illusion. Let go and trust God with the outcome. So easy to say and so hard to do!

Book Club Recommendations

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Easy Summer Pick"by Paula G. (see profile) 07/13/12

This book is good for someone looking for a light read.

  "Blue Moon Promise"by Leah Z. (see profile) 06/25/12

A quick, light story that serves well as a break from deeper level novels. There were a few plot holes, and most characters were stock, but the basic premise of the novel was good, clean romance. Highly... (read more)

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