
1 review

Beauty for Ashes (A Hickory Ridge Romance)
by Dorothy Love

Published: 2012-02-28
Paperback : 336 pages
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She's a beautiful young widow. He's a Southern gentleman with a thirst for adventure. Both need a place to call home.

After losing her husband in the Civil War, Carrie Daly is scared she will never have the family she longs for. Eligible bachelors are scarce in Hickory Ridge, Tennessee, ...

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She's a beautiful young widow. He's a Southern gentleman with a thirst for adventure. Both need a place to call home.

After losing her husband in the Civil War, Carrie Daly is scared she will never have the family she longs for. Eligible bachelors are scarce in Hickory Ridge, Tennessee, but Carrie has found love. Not the weak-in-the-knees kind, but something practical. Still, she isn't quite ready to set a wedding date with Nate Chastain.

Griff Rutledge is a former member of Charleston society, but has been estranged from his family for years. He's determined to remain unattached, never settling in one place for too long. But when asked to train a Thoroughbred for an upcoming race in Hickory Ridge, he decides to stay awhile.

Despite objections from the townsfolk, and her fear that true happiness has eluded her, Carrie is drawn to Griff's kindness and charm. It will take a leap of faith for them to open their hearts and claim God's promise to give beauty for ashes.

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Discussion Questions

How does the title of the novel, Beauty for Ashes, relate to Carrie and Griff? To Deborah? To Mary?
2. Hickory Ridge is a small town tucked beneath the mountains. How does geography influence the townsfolk’s customs and attitudes? What role does geography play in defining your city or town?
3. Griff and Carrie both experience great loneliness in their lives. How do they cope with it?
4. Carrie tells Caleb that it was not forgetting that helped her heal after a great loss, but remembering. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
5. After Mary’s baby is born, Carrie muses that people’s lives rarely turn out as they planned and that the secret of happiness is to want the life one has. Do you agree or disagree?
6. In Charleston, Griff realizes he has spent years roaming the world looking for what he needed, then returned home to find it. Have you ever had a similar experience? How did it change your view of yourself or the world?
7. On her visit to Hickory Ridge, Ada Caldwell tells Carrie to pray “the prayer that never fails.” What prayer, above all others, sustains you?
8. Deborah believes Carrie is frightened by the thought of complete surrender to God. What causes us to be fearful of such a commitment? What are its implications?
9. Near the end of the story, Mary realizes God has changed her and Carrie. How does each woman grow and change over the course of the story?
10. Carrie’s friends disapprove of her relationship with Griff. Have you ever had to choose between keeping someone’s approval and following your heart?

Suggested by Members

Discuss how quickly one's life can change through unforeseen circumstances. Can one prepare for these problems?
Should Carrie have done anything else to try to reconcile her differences with Henry's new family?
How do you tell when concern becomes interfernce or gossip, or when need should overcome stubborness? Did Carrie make the right choices in a timely fashion?
by Mayda (see profile) 06/04/12

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from author Dorothy Love:

With all of my novels, I weave the historical and the personal into stories I hope will give readers a taste of life in the 19th century South, as well as a mirror that shows them something about human nature. I'm interested in how real historical events affected the people who lived through them. Writing fiction gives me a chance to imagine how they might have reacted to the aftermath of war, for example. BEAUTY FOR ASHES is about how two people managed to find hope and love in the middle of loss and hardship.

Because each reader brings her own perceptions, experiences and expectations to a novel, and makes her own meaning from it, I hesitate to say what the take away should be. It won't be the same for everyone. I hope this novel will speak to readers' hearts and take them on an enjoyable journey to a different place and time.

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Beauty for Ashes by Dorothy Love"by Mary S. (see profile) 06/04/12

Dorothy Love has done what so many other inspirational authors find impossible to do. She has written a romantic novel with Christian values that is not sappy or filled with unnecessary details, nor is... (read more)

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