A Soul to Steal
by Rob Blackwell

Published: 2011-12-10
Paperback : 360 pages
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"Blackwell has woven a Celtic myth, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and a serial killer's rampage into a great novel...When everything came together and all the pieces finally fell into to place I was completely shocked. The ending was fantastic." --Vanessa The Jeep Diva [Book ...
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  • "Blackwell has woven a Celtic myth, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and a serial killer's rampage into a great novel...When everything came together and all the pieces finally fell into to place I was completely shocked. The ending was fantastic." --Vanessa The Jeep Diva [Book Blog] 
  • "There's this very original and creative aspect to the story that I loved in how it all connected to Washington Irving's 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.' I won't spoil how it's connected, but it intersects with this story in a really neat way, and sort of parallels Irving's classic spooky read." -- Abnormally Paranormal [Book Blog] 
  • "It was hard for me to believe that A Soul to Steal is Rob Blackwell's first novel. I loved how he took just a little bit of the Headless Horseman story and interwove it with his own to make this unique thriller. I think anyone could enjoy this book and it is perfect for this time of year."--Bending the Spine [Book Blog] 
  • "This is the debut novel from journalist Rob Blackwell, and to be honest it is a damn fine book. You can tell that he has used his journalistic skills well; the settings in the book are rich and vivid. This is one of those novels that manages to blend many different genres into a satisfying read. This is predominately a supernatural thriller, but Blackwell also manages to have a romantic narrative in the story as well which doesn't feel forced or false." -- Ginger Nuts of Horror [Book Blog] 
  • "You have the paranormal, murder, mystery/thriller, suspense and a little romance all rolled into one great read...Everything comes together incredibly well at the end. The ending of this book was amazing. I highly recommend this book." --Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Book Lovers [Book Blog] 
You Are What You Fear 
Something is stalking the citizens of Loudoun County, Va. 
Is it the return of the notorious serial killer known as Lord Halloween? Or is it something worse--a figure that can cloak itself as your worst nightmare? 
Kate and Quinn, two community journalists, rush to uncover the truth before a promised bloodbath on Halloween night. 
The debut novel from award-winning journalist Rob Blackwell, A Soul to Steal balances mystery, suspense, romance, action and the paranormal, building to a gripping and unforgettable conclusion. For readers who enjoy Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Stephenie Meyer and Jim Butcher, A Soul to Steal is an addictive page-turner, perfect for any reader. 
  •  "This story is so much more than a who-done-it type book. There are some other paranormal things going on here and no one is sure how, or if, they are related to Lord Halloween. The story is carefully unfolded, bringing some good old fashioned page-turning suspense." --Alaskan Bookie [Book Blog] 
  • "It was also interesting to explore how debilitating fear can be and how people react to it with fight or flight, how fear freezes you to the spot when you know you have to hurry and get away from the killer. I'm vague on purpose, peeps. I don't want to give you any spoilers. I just want you to read this book. It's really, really good." --Nocturnal Book Reviews [Book Blog] 
  • "The twists and turns within the novel keep you guessing till the very end. There came a point in my reading that I just wanted to left alone to be able to read and find out the ending. My husband would try to have a conversation and I would hush him. I just love these types of books!" -- The Heart of the Dragon's Den [Book Blog] 
  • "The story is multi-layered, using Halloween legends mixed with a good old twisted psychopathic thriller... I am thrilled that this appears to be the first in a trilogy about Kate and Quinn, I can't wait to see what happens to them next." -- Stacy, A Texas Reader [Book Blog]

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