
1 review

Discovery, The: A Novel
by Dan Walsh

Published: 2012-04-01
Kindle Edition : 352 pages
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Gerard Warner was not only a literary giant whose suspense novels sold in the millions, he was also a man devoted to his family, especially his wife of nearly 60 years. When he dies he leaves his Charleston estate to his grandson, Michael, an aspiring writer himself. Michael settles in to ...
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Gerard Warner was not only a literary giant whose suspense novels sold in the millions, he was also a man devoted to his family, especially his wife of nearly 60 years. When he dies he leaves his Charleston estate to his grandson, Michael, an aspiring writer himself. Michael settles in to write his own first novel and discovers an unpublished manuscript his grandfather had written, something he'd kept hidden from everyone but clearly intended Michael to find. Michael begins to read an exciting tale about Nazi spies and sabotage, but something about this story is different from all of Gerard Warner's other books. It's actually a love story.

As Michael delves deeper into the story he discovers something that has the power to change not only his future but his past as well. Laced with suspense and intrigue, The Discovery is a richly woven novel that explores the incredible sacrifices that must be made to forge the love of a lifetime. Author Dan Walsh delivers yet another unique and heartfelt story that will stick with readers long after they turn the last page.

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I remember . . . I was supposed to be sad that day. Everyone was sad. It’s always sad when a legend dies. Our family was gathered in Charleston to read his will.

Gerard Warner’s novels sold in the millions. He’d won the Pulitzer Prize. Several of his books had become blockbuster movies. I remember reading interviews with some of the celebrities who’d starred in those movies. Talked as if they were friends with my grandfather. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

**(Spoiler Alert – These Questions assume you’ve already read the book)**

1. What would you say are the significant themes in this novel?
2. Gerard Warner, Michael’s grandfather, felt he had to hide the story of how he and their grandmother met, not just from the public but even from his family. Now that you know why, what do you think of his reasons? Did you agree? Could you see another way he might have handled this?
3. Michael’s grandfather titled the unpublished manuscript Michael had found, “An Impossible Love.” Now that you know the real story, what do you think of his choice for a title?
4. Michael didn’t put the puzzle pieces together (that he was reading a memoir, not a novel) until almost the end. What do you think kept him from seeing it sooner? At what point did you figure out what was really going on?
5. Telling the truth vs lying comes up in a major way in this book. Do you think there is ever a time when lying is necessary, say to protect someone from danger or to keep someone from getting hurt?
6. If you were put in Ben’s shoes―considering the times and the situation he was in―how would you have handled it?
7. Think about the choices Clair’s parents were faced with when they realized the truth about Ben. Would you (could you) have done what they did?
8. Did you have a favorite scene in the book? How did you respond to it and what made it your favorite?
9. Who was your favorite character in the book and why?
10. Think for a moment how the novel ends. How do you think the rest of the family will react once Michael gives them copies of his grandfather’s book and tells them the real story behind it? How do you think his sister, Marilyn, will react?
11. The author, Dan Walsh, welcomes any questions or feedback. You can contact him at [email protected].

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from author Dan Walsh:

I'm often asked what inspired me to write The Discovery. In researching an earlier book, I came across a true story of a young German born and raised in the US. Then in 1935, his parents dragged him off to Germany, responding to Hitler's call for all good Germans to return to the Fatherland. I wondered what I'd do if that had happened to me. How would I handle the challenges created by circumstances like these? Such as...finally getting back to the US while we were at war, then falling in love with the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

A woman like Claire.

Book Club Recommendations

by Kathryneisen (see profile) 03/02/14

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Interesting topic"by Kay E. (see profile) 03/02/14

We liked the book and the time period in which it's set. It was a pleasant book with an interesting plot although most of us had figured the plot out long before it unfolded.

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