The 13th Tribe (An Immortal Files Novel)
by Robert Liparulo

Published: 2012-04-03
Paperback : 416 pages
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When a group of immortal vigilantes threatens millions, only one man is brave enough to stand in their way.

Their story didn't start this year?or even this millennium.

It began when Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Tired of waiting on the One True God, the twelve tribes of Israel began ...

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When a group of immortal vigilantes threatens millions, only one man is brave enough to stand in their way.

Their story didn't start this year?or even this millennium.

It began when Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Tired of waiting on the One True God, the twelve tribes of Israel began worshipping a golden calf through pagan revelry. Many received immediate death for their idolatry, but 40 were handed a far worse punishment-endless life on earth with no chance to see the face of God.

This group of immortals became the 13th Tribe, and they've been trying to earn their way into heaven ever since-by killing sinners. Though their logic is twisted, their brilliance is undeniable. Their wrath is unstoppable. And the technology they possess is beyond anything mere humans have ever seen.

Jagger Baird knows nothing about the Tribe when he's hired as head of security for an archaeological dig on Mt. Sinai. The former Army Ranger is still reeling from an accident that claimed the life of his best friend, his arm, and his faith in God.

The Tribe is poised to execute their most ambitious attack ever and the lives of millions hang in the balance. When Jagger's wife and son are caught in the crossfire, he'll stop at nothing to save them. But how can one man stand against an entire tribe of immortals?

"Liparulo plunges deep into the pages of Scripture to find intriguing what-if's and stunning revelations-all woven into a tale that is both skin-tinglingly supernatural and thought-provokingly real. Packed with high-tech gadgetry, action, and heart . . . Read this novel! Seriously!" -TED DEKKER, New York Times best-selling author of Forbidden and the Circle Series

 "The author of Comes a Horseman ushers in an exciting new series with this action-packed and intricately plotted spiritual thriller that should appeal to fans of Frank Peretti and Oliver North."-Library Journal


"A fantasy-thriller with overt (but not overly intrusive) Christian themes ? The book can be read as a story of a man's spiritual transition, or it can be read as a fast-paced thriller with fantasy elements. Either way, it's a success." -Booklist


"This fourth 'Triple Threat' novel shakes up the dynamics of the series and the rapport shared by the main characters in the first three books. Fans of the series will wonder who will survive this intense mystery as the women learn that life shouldn't be taken for granted and sacrifice may be required for justice to prevail."-CBA Retailers Resources


"Liparulo opens the Immortal Files series with a bang? Liparulo has concocted a fast-moving, imaginative narrative that examines moral questions. ? every reader is in for roller-coaster action, competently done, with a late-breaking major plot curve that leaves the door open for more." -Publishers Weekly


"If you're a fan of suspense or biblical fiction, this is one book you won't want to miss. Its mind-blowing action will keep readers totally immersed." -Romantic times

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Chapter One
Eddie Rollins didn't believe in ghosts or phantoms or the boogeyman, but at that moment he felt a chill run down his spine like a drop of cold water. Gun in hand, he inched through the darkness between two bulbs mounted above doors on the backside of MicroTech's large, squat building. Thirty yards ahead, a keypad beside one of the metal-skinned doors had just beeped and lit up. Seeing no one standing before it, despite the brilliance of the halogen lamp directly overhead, he'd drawn his weapon. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

The Tribe received immortality as a curse for their transgression
with the golden calf. They faced a future without
access to heaven or God. What are your views of this? For
you, what would be the advantages of living on Earth forever?
What would be the drawbacks?
2. In The 13th Tribe, God’s curse of immortality extended
to children. Ben cited some biblical examples of children
suffering God’s wrath because of the behavior of their parents
(such as Deuteronomy 11:5–6). Our modern society
subscribes to the doctrine of the “age of accountability,”
also known as the “age of reason,” which says that children
under a certain age are not responsible for their actions
because they are too young to know better. What do you
think? At what age should children be accountable? What
do you think God’s position is on this?
3. After witnessing how Phinehas’s killing of two sinners
pleased God and ended the plague brought on by the
heresy of Peor (Numbers 25:1–15), the Tribe decided to
become vigilantes. And while discussing the criminals the
Tribe has killed, even Owen admits, “There’s a part of
me that admires what they do.” What are your views of
vigilantism? Has there ever been a time when you heard
about a crime that seemed to go unpunished and wished
someone, anyone would bring the culprit to justice? Do
you think that there is ever a time when “frontier justice”
(retribution outside the law) is appropriate, even biblical?
4. Ben says that most Christians think, deep down, “If I
don’t do this or if I do that, I will lose my favor with God.”
Have you ever felt this way? Is loving God and keeping his
commandments always a matter of appreciation for the
grace he has freely bestowed to us . . . or is there an element
of earning his favor in our doing right?
5. Jagger lost his faith in God’s love when a car crash cost
him his arm and the lives of the Bransford family. Why
does God allow such tragedies? Have you ever experienced
a tragedy that tested your faith? How did you respond? Is
there anything that could happen that would cause you to
question God’s love?
6. Beth is a woman of strong faith. How does this present
itself in the story? Because of her faith, she is able to be
strong while Jagger struggles with his. Have you ever had
to be strong for others? Who in your life could you count
on for strength and support if you ever needed it?
7. Nevaeh says she knows God’s will through prayers and
dreams, and that she believes God confirms her plans by
allowing them to be achieved, or condemns them by hindering
her attempts. How do you know when you’re doing
what God wants you to do? Do you believe he guides you
and directs your actions? How does he do that?
8. God talked to Moses from a burning bush; during the
Exodus, he appeared as a pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21–22);
Jesus performed many miracles, only some of which were
recorded (John 21:25). Why do you think God doesn’t
show himself in such obvious, physical ways today? Or
does he? Can you name a few ways in which he makes his
presence known to us?

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