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Never Letting Go: Heal Grief with Help from the Other Side
by Mark Anthony

Published: 2011-10-08
Paperback : 288 pages
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We all suffer the loss of a loved one. This uplifting book will guide you on your journey through grief and inspire you with evidence of the afterlife.

A practicing lawyer for over two decades, Mark Anthony is also a gifted medium who has worked with thousands of clients. He shares ...

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We all suffer the loss of a loved one. This uplifting book will guide you on your journey through grief and inspire you with evidence of the afterlife.

A practicing lawyer for over two decades, Mark Anthony is also a gifted medium who has worked with thousands of clients. He shares incredible true stories of contact with spirits and their enduring messages of forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance. Even more remarkable, you will be able to recognize and make contact with the spirits of your loved ones.

Compelling, comforting, and inspiring for those of all backgrounds and faiths, Never Letting Go offers true healing through messages of hope from the Other Side.

"This deep, emotionally touching book is destined to become a metaphysical classic."?Joyce Keller, author of SEVEN STEPS TO HEAVEN

"An enlightening journey through coping with grief and discovering spiritual renewal. I highly recommend this book!"?Jeffrey A. Wands, author of ANOTHER DOOR OPENS


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Chapter 1: To Heal Grief, Start with Belief
When you die—you really don’t. The body may cease to function, but the soul is an immortal living spirit which continues to exist beyond physical life. Even with this understanding, coping with the death of a loved one is extremely painful. Spirits are aware of this and know bereaved loved ones here in the material world are suffering. That is why spirits will come to our emotional rescue by communicating with us. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. What makes it different from other books written by psychics?

2. Who would benefit most from reading your book?

3. The subtitle of “Never Letting Go” is “Heal Grief with Help from the Other Side.” How can spirits on the Other Side help us?

4. You’ve been traveling around the country to promote “Never Letting Go,” what type of reception do you receive from people?

5. Do people in different parts of the country react differently to this subject matter?

6. Describe one or two of the most interesting anecdotes in your book.

7. In your book, you’ve said, and I quote, “spirit contact is an important tool for helping someone heal from grief.” How?

8. Never Letting Go is a major best seller. How can listeners/viewers find your book?

Suggested by Members

Do you believe in life after death?
Do you believe we can communicate with the spirits of loved ones?
How can we find hope to cope with a death in the family?
by EddieBooks (see profile) 05/29/12

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Book Club Recommendations

Is physical death the end of life?
by EddieBooks (see profile) 05/29/12
Mark Anthony's Never Letting Go will help you to realize that death isn't the end of life, and that our loved ones do communicate to us--provided we know what to look for.

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Never Letting Go is hard to put down"by Ed R. (see profile) 05/29/12

Mark Anthony's "Never Letting Go" is without a doubt the best book I've read about the Afterlife. He combines his work as a lawyer with his gift as a medium. It is a great story, but one filled with hope... (read more)

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