Never Letting Go: Heal Grief with Help from the Other Side
by Mark Anthony
Paperback : 288 pages
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We all suffer the loss of a loved one. This uplifting book will guide you on your journey through grief and inspire you with evidence of the afterlife.
A practicing lawyer for over two decades, Mark Anthony is also a gifted medium who has worked with thousands of clients. He shares ...
We all suffer the loss of a loved one. This uplifting book will guide you on your journey through grief and inspire you with evidence of the afterlife.
A practicing lawyer for over two decades, Mark Anthony is also a gifted medium who has worked with thousands of clients. He shares incredible true stories of contact with spirits and their enduring messages of forgiveness, gratitude, and acceptance. Even more remarkable, you will be able to recognize and make contact with the spirits of your loved ones.
Compelling, comforting, and inspiring for those of all backgrounds and faiths, Never Letting Go offers true healing through messages of hope from the Other Side.
"This deep, emotionally touching book is destined to become a metaphysical classic."?Joyce Keller, author of SEVEN STEPS TO HEAVEN
"An enlightening journey through coping with grief and discovering spiritual renewal. I highly recommend this book!"?Jeffrey A. Wands, author of ANOTHER DOOR OPENS
Chapter 1: To Heal Grief, Start with Belief When you die—you really don’t. The body may cease to function, but the soul is an immortal living spirit which continues to exist beyond physical life. Even with this understanding, coping with the death of a loved one is extremely painful. Spirits are aware of this and know bereaved loved ones here in the material world are suffering. That is why spirits will come to our emotional rescue by communicating with us. Contact with a spirit can be an incredibly healing experience because it teaches us to let go of the sorrow caused by the death, but hold on to the love for the person who died. Spirit contact also helps us understand that God exists, the Other Side exists, the soul is immortal, and that we will be reunited with our loved ones when it is our time to leave this material world. I’m often asked how I can be so sure of this. I certainly don’t have all the answers, no one does, but I do have some insight. I am a psychic medium who was born with the ability to communicate with spirits. I’m also a criminal defense and personal injury trial lawyer. I’ve represented thousands of people, many whose lives have been shattered by the deaths of loved ones. As a lawyer, I advise people that you can’t change the fact someone you loved died. What you can do is change your perspective on death. With the help of spirits, that is what I do as a medium. Many people seek my services as a medium to establish communication with the spirit of a loved one. Those who do have progressed to the point in their journey through grief where they believe it will be healing to communicate with the Other Side. In several instances though, it is the spirits who choose the time and place of the contact. Sometimes, this occurs when you least expect it, as I discovered one day in my capacity as a lawyer during a jury trial. I was representing a client who was accused of assault and battery. Jury selection is the beginning phase of the trial which occurs before evidence is presented. The objective is to question a panel of prospective jurors to determine if they have any bias so both parties can obtain a fair and impartial jury. As I stood at the podium before the panel of jurors, I had an uneasy feeling about one of them. Prospective Juror Number Nine was a nervous middle aged woman with a beautiful olive complexion, whom I’ll refer to as “Juror Nine.” My intuition about Juror Nine was confirmed when I became aware of a female spirit’s presence near her. While it isn’t unusual for me to perceive spirits, this wasn’t the ideal time and place for a connection with the Other Side. I tried to ignore the spirit so I continued on with my questioning of the jurors. Since it was my obligation to seek out potential bias against my client, I asked Juror Nine, “Have you, or has anyone in your family, ever been the victim of a crime?” She took a deep breath, and then started to tremble, “Yes—about a year ago.” This information was important to the client I was representing since I had to ensure he would have an impartial jury. Apparently, this was also important to the spirit who wanted to communicate with Juror Nine because my link with the spirit intensified. I felt a tightening around my throat which indicated to me that the spirit had a problem breathing prior to her physical death. I continued, “What type of crime was that—if I may ask?” “My sister was in a foreign country when an escaped mental patient strangled her. Then he dismembered her body and threw it in a dumpster—like she was garbage!” Juror Nine said as she covered her face with her hands and burst into tears. I was aghast. The courtroom became extremely still. A few people gasped. One of the other jurors looked like he might become ill. Even the normally vociferous prosecuting attorney was temporarily speechless. All eyes were upon me. Stunned and at a loss for words, I knew everyone expected me to do something. My professors in law school certainly didn’t teach me how to deal with this situation. “I—I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine what you and your family have been through,” came stumbling out of my mouth. “I wish I had the right words to console you.” “What could a lawyer possibly say to make me feel better?” Juror Nine replied bitterly. “Please forgive me for bringing up such a painful memory,” I responded. “Painful? You have no idea what painful is,” she said struggling to regain her composure. I wanted to move on, but Juror Nine was in agony and her sister’s spirit had come to her rescue. It was a huge risk personally and professionally, but I had to try, “Perhaps if she was here—your younger sister would want you to know that her immortal soul lives on.” “They tell me that in grief counseling at my church. I’m sorry for being angry with you. It’s not your fault. Please forgive me,” Juror Nine said softly, “Maybe it’s foolish, but I pray everyday just to hear from my sister. Just to know she’s okay.” The message from her sister’s spirit resonated through me. I had to deliver it. “Maybe when it comes to hearing from Heaven—sometimes—no news is good news,” I relayed the message. “No news is good news!” Juror Nine repeated excitedly as she sat up straight, “That’s something we always said to each other! It was our secret inside joke. How in the world do you know that? Or that she was my little sister?” “Objection!” boomed the prosecuting attorney. “Sustained!” the Judge ruled, “Mr. Anthony, I don’t know what purpose this discourse is supposed to accomplish. Please move on to another juror.” Wiping the tears from her eyes with a tissue, Juror Nine looked at me and smiled gently, “Thank you—that made my day.” # I’m often asked how I can be both an attorney and a medium at the same time. Having a foot in both worlds is challenging at times, yet I’ve never seen them as conflicting. Being both a medium and an attorney has proven beneficial to my clients over the years. I’ve also seen striking similarities between my dual professions. Both of these careers are about helping people—to solve their legal problems or to ease their grief. In my legal and spiritual work, I’ve also seen how choosing the wrong means of dealing with death can devastate someone and the lives of those around that person. Finding the right path through grief is extremely important. My dual professions are also evidentially based. As an attorney, I’ve been trained in critical thinking. I’m naturally skeptical and insist upon having verifiable evidence before accepting something as a fact. I apply the same type of critical thinking in my approach to mediumship. I require proof that the information I receive from spirits is accurate and real. As a medium, I practice what is known as Evidential Mediumship. It is my job to present information and messages conveyed by spirit. These details are the pieces of evidence conveyed from the Other Side to verify the validity of the contact for the recipient. In a way, it is like what I do in court. I present the evidence and it is up to the jury to decide what to do. In a mediumistic reading, I facilitate communication between a spirit and a person in the material world. It is the recipient of the message who is both the judge and the jury—and who decides what to do with the evidence presented by a spirit through me. Unfortunately, in both law and mediumship, sometimes the recipient doesn’t listen to the message and is looking for what he or she wants to hear, instead of what is communicated. But that is an individual’s choice. My responsibility as a medium is to present the evidence and information—not to dictate what a person does with it.
Discussion Questions
1. What makes it different from other books written by psychics?2. Who would benefit most from reading your book?
3. The subtitle of “Never Letting Go” is “Heal Grief with Help from the Other Side.” How can spirits on the Other Side help us?
4. You’ve been traveling around the country to promote “Never Letting Go,” what type of reception do you receive from people?
5. Do people in different parts of the country react differently to this subject matter?
6. Describe one or two of the most interesting anecdotes in your book.
7. In your book, you’ve said, and I quote, “spirit contact is an important tool for helping someone heal from grief.” How?
8. Never Letting Go is a major best seller. How can listeners/viewers find your book?
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