The Blood of Flowers: A Novel
by Anita Amirrezvani

Published: 2007-06-05
Hardcover : 384 pages
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In 17th-century Persia, a 14-year-old woman believes she will be married within the year. But when her beloved father dies, she and her mother find themselves alone and without a dowry. With nowhere else to go, they are forced to sell the brilliant turquoise rug the young woman has woven ...
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In 17th-century Persia, a 14-year-old woman believes she will be married within the year. But when her beloved father dies, she and her mother find themselves alone and without a dowry. With nowhere else to go, they are forced to sell the brilliant turquoise rug the young woman has woven to pay for their journey to Isfahan, where they will work as servants for her uncle, a rich rug designer in the court of the legendary Shah Abbas the Great.
Despite her lowly station, the young woman blossoms as a brilliant designer of carpets, a rarity in a craft dominated by men. But while her talent flourishes, her prospects for a happy marriage grow dim. Forced into a secret marriage to
a wealthy man, the young woman finds herself faced with a daunting decision: forsake her own dignity, or risk everything she has in an effort to create a new life.

"Anita Amirrezvani has written a sensuous and transporting first novel filled with the colors, tastes and fragrances of life in seventeenth-century Isfahan...Amirrezvani clearly knows and loves the ways of old Iran, and brings them to life with the cadences of a skilled story-spinner." -- Geraldine Brooks, author of March

"An engrossing, enthralling tale of a girl's quest for self-determination in the fascinating other world that was seventeenth-century Iran." -- Emma Donoghue, author of Touchy Subjects and Life Mask

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Overall rating:
by Elizabeth W. (see profile) 02/21/23

by Maureen W. (see profile) 06/07/19

  "The Blood of Flowers"by Donna C. (see profile) 03/08/10

Our group really liked this book--we love to read about other cultures and this one was so enjoyable.

  "the blood of flowers"by Magdalena H. (see profile) 01/04/10

it was okay i've read books that have been similar

  "Good Story that celebrates victory of the human spirt in times of trial"by Wendy G. (see profile) 08/26/08

A story of the perseverance of the human spirit in the midst of the most difficult of circumstances. Book is well written and keeps your attention. However, I was disappointed in the ending.

  "interesting setting and story line"by Elaine B. (see profile) 01/24/08

  "a look at life of women in Iran in the late 1600's"by Sandra K. (see profile) 01/24/08

this was enjoyable to learn some history of the region. The story was fiction, but the history and diolog was true to that time. Not my favorite book, but I did enjoy.

  "Enjoyable reading"by Kathleen B. (see profile) 01/24/08

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