The Last Town on Earth
by Thomas Mullen

Published: 2006-08-01
Audio CD : 0 pages
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Set against the dual backdrop of World War I and the devastating 1918 influenza epidemic, "The Last Town On Earth" is a brilliantly drawn tale of morality and patriotism in a time of upheaval. Deep in the evergreen woods of Washington State lies the mill town of Commonwealth, a new ...
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Set against the dual backdrop of World War I and the devastating 1918 influenza epidemic, "The Last Town On Earth" is a brilliantly drawn tale of morality and patriotism in a time of upheaval. Deep in the evergreen woods of Washington State lies the mill town of Commonwealth, a new community founded on progressive ideals, and a refuge for workers who have fled the labour violence in the surrounding towns. When rumours spread of a mysterious illness that is killing people at an alarming rate, the people of the uninfected Commonwealth vote to block all roads into town and post armed guards to prevent any outsiders from entering. One day, two guards - Philip Worthy, the 16-year-old son of the town founder, and his friend, Graham Stone, a hardened survivor of vicious strikes - are confronted with a moral dilemma. A starving and apparently ill soldier attempts to enter the town, begging them for food and shelter. Should Worthy and Stone admit him, possibly putting their families at risk? Or should they place their lives above his and let him die in the woods? The choice they make - and the reaction it inspires not only in their town but in the neighbouring town's league of suspicious patriots - sets into motion a series of events that threaten to tear Commonwealth apart. From the rich threads running through this period of history, Thomas Mullen has created a truly gripping tale, which grows in tension and suspense as the panic and conflict within the town take hold. A sweeping cinematic novel, with a compelling cast of characters, "The Last Town On Earth" powerfully grapples with the tensions of individual safety and social responsibility, and of moral obligation and duty in the face of forces larger than oneself.

Editorial Review

Wow. This stunning book succeeds on so many different levels--as an engrossing story, a character study, a history lesson, a modern day political allegory--I don't even know where to begin the praise. The Last Town on Earth centers on the inhabitants of a small logging town in Washington and what happens when they take drastic measures (quarantine) to try and protect themselves from the virulent and deadly flu epidemic of 1918. When a deserting WWI soldier demands sanctuary, events are set in motion that change the town forever.

Although this is Mullen's first published work, there are none of the usual verbal pyrotechnics or high-wire "look how well I can write" balancing acts one sees with beginning authors. How refreshing to read a younger author who has already progressed beyond his ego and knows that it's all about story, story, story. Mullen tells his tale cleanly, simply and plainly--making the ironies and allegories all the more potent. I knew almost nothing of the flu epidemic of 1918 and even less about the political climate in the US during WW1. These are not subjects I would go out of my way to read about, but Mullen has made them compelling and interesting. In fact, the author's voice has the same level of confidence and maturity that one only finds in writers with decades more experience (I kept thinking of Wallace Stegner and Alice Munro while I was reading)--authors who earn your trust and confidence so early and easily that you completely relax into the writing and the voice. It's already on my Ten Best List; I can't imagine I'll read ten better books this year. It's easily the most impressive and heartfelt book I've read in a long while. --Terry Goodman


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