House of Mercy
by Erin Healy

Published: 2012-08-07
Paperback : 384 pages
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When Beth's world falls apart, can she ever be whole again?

Beth has a gift of healing?which is why she wants to become a vet and help her family run their fifth-generation cattle ranch. Her father's dream of helping men in trouble and giving them a second chance is her dream too. But it ...

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When Beth's world falls apart, can she ever be whole again?

Beth has a gift of healing?which is why she wants to become a vet and help her family run their fifth-generation cattle ranch. Her father's dream of helping men in trouble and giving them a second chance is her dream too. But it only takes one foolish decision for Beth to destroy it all.

Beth scrambles to redeem her mistake, pleading with God for help, even as a mystery complicates her life. The repercussions grow more unbearable?a lawsuit, a death, a divided family, and the looming loss of everything she cares about. Beth's only hope is to find the grandfather she never knew and beg for his help. Confused, grieving, and determined to make amends, she embarks on a horseback journey across the mountains, guided by a wild, unpredictable wolf who may or may not be real.

Set in the stunningly rugged terrain of Southern Colorado, House of Mercy follows Beth through the valley of the shadow of death into the unfathomable miracles of God's goodness and mercy. 

?Healy has proven she has what it takes to write a fast paced supernatural thriller guaranteed to keep you hooked right until the last page, and beyond.? ?TitleTrakk.com

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Chapter One
It wasn't every day that an old saddle could improve a horse's life.

That was what Beth Borzoi was thinking as she stood in the dusty tack room that smelled like her favorite pair of leather boots. In the back corner where the splintering-wood walls met, she tugged the faded leather saddle off the bottommost rung of the heavy-duty rack, where it had sat, unused and forgotten, for years. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. In House of Mercy, Beth struggles with the question of why God won't give people the miracles they need. Why do you think God answers some prayers but not others, or gives us unexpected answers?
2. Beth's father tells her, "My faith isn't in good outcomes, only in the goodness of God." How do you react to that statement? What prevents people from believing that God is good? What causes you to believe that God is (or isn't) good?
3. The wolf Mercy is a guide who is mysterious and reassuring, fierce and gentle, unpredictable and reliable. Why is "mercy" an appropriate name for these qualities? In what ways does your relationship with God resemble Beth's relationship with Mercy?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from the Author:

I set out to write the story of a spiritually gifted healer who couldn't heal her own illness. I abandoned this idea when the similarly themed movieSympathy for Delicious came out, but I kept the heart of my original story, which is really about the frustration that comes when God doesn't give us the good things that we want. A lot of these things aren't even for ourselves, but for people we love ... and sometimes for complete strangers. We plead, we wrestle, we bargain, we question. So why doesn’t God always grant the miracles we seek? Is the answer about us, or is it about God, or something else? What is the real nature of his work in our life, if it’s not necessarily to make life better? I grapple with these questions daily, and so does my heroine. But it's my hope that House of Mercy will affirm the goodness of God and his love toward us even in the face of these unanswerable questions.

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