Los guardianes del libro/People of the Book (Spanish Edition)
by Geraldine Brooks

Published: 2008-10-27
Paperback : 290 pages
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One of the earliest Jewish religious volumes to be illuminated with images, the Sarajevo Haggadah survived centuries of purges and wars thanks to people of all faiths who risked their lives to safeguard it. Geraldine Brooks, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of March, has turned the intriguing but ...
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One of the earliest Jewish religious volumes to be illuminated with images, the Sarajevo Haggadah survived centuries of purges and wars thanks to people of all faiths who risked their lives to safeguard it. Geraldine Brooks, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of March, has turned the intriguing but sparely detailed history of this precious volume into an emotionally rich, thrilling fictionalization that retraces its turbulent journey. In the hands of Hanna Heath, an impassioned rare-book expert restoring the manuscript in 1996 Sarajevo, it yields clues to its guardians and whereabouts: an insect wing, a wine stain, salt crystals, and a white hair. While readers experience crucial moments in the book's history through a series of fascinating, fleshed-out short stories, Hanna pursues its secrets scientifically, and finds that some interests will still risk everything in the name of protecting this treasure. A complex love story, thrilling mystery, vivid history lesson, and celebration of the enduring power of ideas, People of the Book will surely be hailed as one of the best of 2008. --Mari Malcolm Description in Spanish: Sidney, 1996. En plena madrugada, Hanna Heath, una prestigiosa conservadora de manuscritos medievales, recibe una llamada: la Haggadah de Sarajevo, uno de los libros ma excepcionales y misteriosos del mundo, ha reaparecido tras permanecer oculto varios ans y las Naciones Unidas la reclaman para que compruebe su estado. Sin dudarlo, acepta el encargo y viaja a Sarajevo. Cuando Hanna procede a su estudio, descubre entre sus paginas una serie de extranas muestras: un ala de insecto, un cabello blanco, una mancha de vino. A partir de cada una de las muestras, la historia del libro es reconstruida a traves del tiempo; un periplo que incluye Sarajevo en 1940, la hedonista Viena de 1894, la antisemita Venecia de 1609, la Barcelona sometida por la Inquisicion en 1492 y la conspiradora Sevilla de 1480 donde fue ilustrado. A medida que se van desvelando las identidades de quienes intervinieron en su elaboracion, son reveladas tambien las vidas de sus salvadores, los guardianes del libro, hombres y mujeres que arriesgaron sus vidas para protegerlo a traves de guerras, persecuciones, exilio, Inquisicion, genocidio, hasta lograr que llegue sano y salvo a nuestros dias. Pero, esta realmente a salvo?

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