Unending Devotion
by Jody Hedlund
Published: 2012-09-01
Paperback : 374 pages
Paperback : 374 pages
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When Lily Young's search for her missing sister leads to Harrison, Michigan, logging camp owner Connell McCormick takes notice. Lily can't understand why the town's rampant crime is ignored. Connell figures his own upright living---and earning a profit---is all that matters. Lily will challenge ...
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When Lily Young's search for her missing sister leads to Harrison, Michigan, logging camp owner Connell McCormick takes notice. Lily can't understand why the town's rampant crime is ignored. Connell figures his own upright living---and earning a profit---is all that matters. Lily will challenge everything boss-man Connell McCormick thought he knew about life—and love. Can these two work together to end the corruption and danger that rule Harrison?
Chapter 1January 1883
Central Michigan
It was time. The drunk shanty boys were finally quiet.
Lily Young peered up through the shadows of the early morning darkness to the balcony that ran the length of the hotel. It was higher than she’d thought. Good thing she’d brought a rope.
She drummed her stiff fingers inside her mittens and lifted her gaze to the clear sky overhead. The last stars were fading. The lumber town would awaken with the first hints of light. And soon the woods would ring with the chopping and sawing of the shanty boys, who needed to make the most of each minute of daylight for their hard labor. ...

Discussion Questions
Before reading Unending Devotion what were some of the stereotypes you had about the lumber era?What problems during that era did the story bring to light?
In the beginning of the book, Connell had the philosophy that there's not much he can do to change the social ills around him so why even bother trying. What are some ways we fall into the complacency trap today?
Why is it so easy for us to think that because others are fighting against the problems we don't need to do anything?
While some of us tend toward complacency, others of us are more like Lily, wanting to save the world. What are some causes or organizations that you've been a part of or helped?
What would you recommend for someone wanting to know how they can get more involved in helping others?
Lily thought she had to help God along in His plans and efforts. She took control of the situation instead of waiting for His leading. Why do we so often make our own plans without consulting God on His?
As Vera said, we don't always know the bigger picture that God is piecing together of our lives. Ultimately His ways are higher than ours, and we can't always understand what He's doing. Have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know what God was doing, but then later it became clear what He was up to?
What did you think of Connell's self-restraint when he was around Lily?
In our modern culture, do you think we're teaching boys to use enough restraint with girls, or do you think respect has largely become a characteristic of bygone eras?
In the end when Daisy returned, Lily was quick to forgive her sister for leaving. How does that illustrate God's forgiveness of us when we return to Him?
If you could write the next chapter of the book, what do you think would happen to Daisy?
Will she have to live with the consequences of her sin? Will she find hope and healing? Or do you think she will struggle to stay pure?
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