The Spirit Well (Bright Empires)
by Stephen Lawhead

Published: 2012-09-04
Hardcover : 400 pages
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The search for the map--and the secret behind its cryptic code--intensifies in a quest across time, space, and multiple realities.

But what if the true treasure isn't the map at all . . . what if the map marks something far greater?  Something one world cannot contain? Those who desire ...

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The search for the map--and the secret behind its cryptic code--intensifies in a quest across time, space, and multiple realities.

But what if the true treasure isn't the map at all . . . what if the map marks something far greater?  Something one world cannot contain? Those who desire to unlock that mystery are in a race to possess the secret--for good or evil.

Kit Livingstone is mastering the ability to travel across realities using ley lines and has forged a link from the Bone House, a sacred lodge made of animal bones, to the fabled Spirit Well, a place of profound power.

His friend Mina is undercover in a Spanish monastery high in the Pyrenees, learning all she can from a monk named Brother Lazarus. Still determined to find Kit, she is beginning to experience a greater destiny than she can fathom.

Cassandra Clarke is overseeing an archaeological dig in Arizona when a chance encounter transports her to 1950s Damascus. There, she finds herself unwillingly drawn to the Seekers--the last living remnants of the Zetetic Society who need her help to track down the missing Cosimo Livingstone and his grandson Kit.

But there are darker forces at work in the universe whose agents always seem to be one step ahead of the rest--and they're all desperate to gain the ultimate prize in this treasure hunt where the stakes increase at every turn. At the heart of the mystery lies the Spirit Well.

"Lawhead's intricately plotted, compelling tale continues to demonstrate his mastery of world building."--Library Journal

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Chapter One
In Which Friday Takes a Holiday

Cassandra Clarke dug bones for a living. She spent every summer of her professional life hunkered down in trenches of various depths with a trowel in one hand and a whisk broom in the other, excavating the skeletal remains of creatures long dead, many of which were known only to science and some known to no one at all. Although digging was in her blood—her mother was Alison Brett Clarke, palaeontologist of Turkana Boy renown—Cassandra did not plan to spend her entire life in plexiglas goggles with dust in her hair and a damp handkerchief over her nose. Her ambition was far greater than crating up fossils to be carefully catalogued and then locked away in some musty museum basement. ... view entire excerpt...

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