If I Were You
by Lisa Renee Jones

Published: 2013-03-12
Paperback : 352 pages
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In the bestselling style of Fifty Shades of Grey, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones delivers sexy thrills and heart-pounding sensuality—in a tantalizing page-turner in which the eyes of a high school English teacher are opened to a world she never knew existed, and a ...
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In the bestselling style of Fifty Shades of Grey, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones delivers sexy thrills and heart-pounding sensuality—in a tantalizing page-turner in which the eyes of a high school English teacher are opened to a world she never knew existed, and a passionate craving within that she never knew she possessed.

The journal comes to Sara McMillan by chance, when she unexpectedly inherits the key to an abandoned storage locker belonging to a woman named Rebecca. Sara can’t resist peeking at the entries inside…and finds a scintillating account of Rebecca’s affair with an unnamed lover, a relationship drenched in ecstasy and wrapped in dark secrets.

Obsessed with discovering Rebecca’s destiny after the entries come to an abrupt end, Sara does more than observe the players in the woman’s life; she immerses herself in the high-stakes art gallery world Rebecca inhabited—and is magnetically drawn to two men. Which one will seduce Rebecca with his masterful and commanding touch and bring her fantasies to exquisite life? On a daringly erotic escapade, Sara follows Rebecca’s path to fulfill her own hidden longings. But after she tastes the forbidden pleasures Rebecca savored, will Sara be helpless to escape the same submissive fate?

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Discussion Questions

From the author:

If you found a journal would you read it?
Why would Mark — a smart man – hire Sara without checking references? What do you think his motives were?
Do you think Chris and Mark were once friends and if so why?
Why if Sara was rich growing up has she not traveled? What clue do you think this might be to her past?
Who do you think is the man from the journal and why?
What do you think happened to Rebecca?
Do you think it’s okay for two consenting adults to participate in a BDSM style relationship?
How do characters change or evolve throughout the course of the story? What events trigger such changes?
Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way?
How did you experience the book? Were you engaged immediately, or did it take you a while to ”get into it”? How did you feel reading it—amused, sad, disturbed, confused, bored…?
If you could ask the author a question, what would you ask? Have you read other books by the same author? If so how does this book compare? If not, does this book inspire you to read others?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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