The End of Innocence
by Doren K. Weston
Paperback : 384 pages
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One morning in 2007, Doren Weston was nearly killed when his pickup truck was struck by a careless driver. He was left with serious injuries to both his brain and body. Trapped within this new world of pain, physical instability, as well as lingering symptoms of traumatic brain injury, he struggled to manage his own healing despite being at his most vulnerable.
In shock, a captive within this prison of disability, isolation, and unemployment, restricted physically and cognitively, he struggled to make sense of what had happened to him, ultimately finding himself confronting the virtually impenetrable fortress surrounding the medical, legal, legislative, and insurance empires.
Bitterness and a sense of injustice compelled him to begin writing. As he wrote, he began to recognize those same forces of human behavior driving this event recurring through other events throughout his life. This narrative explores those forces as they continue to shape human institutions, society, organizations, and interaction.
This book is anything but another inspiring account of one man’s road to recovery. It is not a story of recovery at all, but more the tale of that man’s epiphany. Sobering, poignant, frequently tragic, occasionally amusing, it is an exploration into how human nature continues to conspire to control the outcome of our thoughts, our every interaction, every institution we create, even our every effort toward justice.
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