Gods Shrink: 10 Sessions and Lifes Greatest Lessons from an Unexpected Patient
by Ph.D., Michael Adamse

Published: 2007-09-15
Hardcover : 192 pages
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Gods Shrink It was a Monday like any other. Dr. Richard Johnson arrived at his office to meet a new client. The doctor, having been a practicing psychiatrist for many years, was well prepared for the session or so he presumed. When his new client arrived and announced, "I am God," Dr. Johnson ...
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(Gods Shrink It was a Monday like any other. Dr. Richard Johnson arrived at his office to meet a new client. The doctor, having been a practicing psychiatrist for many years, was well prepared for the session or so he presumed. When his new client arrived and announced, "I am God," Dr. Johnson was surprised and perplexed. No patient had ever made such a claim before. Over the course of the next ten weeks, the doctor converses with a client who changed his life forever. Since that Monday, his client--in 10 sessions--humbles him, unnerves him, challenges him, and makes him question everything he thought he knew about human nature, our place in this world, and life after death. This parable will fill the soul of readers who love inspirational books like The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Written by a psychologist and seasoned writer, God's Shrink is a poignant and profound read that will change the readers' understanding of themselves and the world as they think they know it.

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Under normal circumstances the province of psychotherapy is practiced privately. What is said behind closed doors remains there. The patient can sing like a bird, but the therapist is ethically and legally bound by confidentiality. A brief postscript in a chart may summarize the generalities of what transpired; however, that's about it. I can truthfully say that in all my years of practice, I only gave up three patients. The first involved serious child abuse, and the second concerned an individual who was imminently suicidal. These were clearly based on a duty to warn and protect. ... view entire excerpt...

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Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

A note from the author to Book club members:

God’s Shrink is the story of a therapist who believes he has ‘seen it all’ until a patient shows up claiming to be God. The story unfolds session by session, building in momentum until it reaches an inspiring and thought provoking ending. The book was conceived as a result of my work as a therapist for over 25 years. Through my experience with problems of all kinds, I came to understand more deeply the common denominators which bind us all together as human beings. I also have a deep interest in the relationship between psychology and spirituality. I wondered if God might be more like us than we imagined and thought that if that were so, then it would be entertaining to explore that idea in the context of a fiction-inspirational novel. I wanted the book to be an easy read with a simple yet profound message that was unique in its delivery. My main goal in writing God’s Shrink is to have the reader consider the idea that God needs our help and that our work while we are here is a partnership.

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