
9 reviews

King Peggy: An American Secretary, Her Royal Destiny, and the Inspiring Story of How She Changed an African Village
by Peggielene Bartels, Eleanor Herman

Published: 2013-02-12
Paperback : 368 pages
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The charming real-life fairy tale of an American secretary who discovers she has been chosen king of an impoverished fishing village on the west coast of Africa.
King Peggy chronicles the astonishing journey of American secretary, Peggielene Bartels, who suddenly finds herself king to a ...

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The charming real-life fairy tale of an American secretary who discovers she has been chosen king of an impoverished fishing village on the west coast of Africa.
King Peggy chronicles the astonishing journey of American secretary, Peggielene Bartels, who suddenly finds herself king to a town of 7,000 people on Ghana's central coast, half a world away. Upon arriving for her crowning ceremony in beautiful Otuam, she discovers the dire reality: there's no running water, no doctor, no high school, and many of the village elders are stealing the town's funds. To make matters worse, her uncle (the late king) sits in a morgue awaiting a proper funeral in the royal palace, which is in ruins. Peggy's first two years as king of Otuam unfold in a way that is stranger than fiction. In the end, a deeply traditional African town is uplifted by the ambitions of its decidedly modern female king, and Peggy is herself transformed, from an ordinary secretary to the heart and hope of her community.

Editorial Review

A Look Inside King Peggy

Children of Otuam Eleanor and King Peggy in Otuam King Peggy


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Overall rating:
by Meagan P. (see profile) 06/22/18

  "King Peggy"by Renee P. (see profile) 02/02/18

I thought this was very interesting to learn customs of other countries. I found it very frustrating that there were no consequences for the behavior of the elders of this village. I wanted them to be... (read more)

  "King Peggy"by Cheri G. (see profile) 03/10/16

I loved this book and how Peggy handled all of the adversity thrown at her by her male elders and persevered in making changes and bettering the lives of her community and those around it in Otuam, Ghana.... (read more)

  "King Peggy"by Katie C. (see profile) 09/06/14

Our Group found this book very inspiring even trying to eat at an ethnic eatery for lunch discussion! King Peggy demonstrated determination, perseverance, patience and skills that few have especially across... (read more)

  "King Peggy"by Elaine A. (see profile) 09/01/14

I really enjoyed the descriptions of African life. Peggy is a compilation of a modern and a tribal woman. Very inspirational.

by Nancy S. (see profile) 08/19/14

  "King Peggy: An American Secretary, Her Royal Destiny, and the Inspiring Story of How She Changed an African Village"by Becky M. (see profile) 06/19/14

My book group absolutely loved this book! It's the true story of a secretary at the Ghanian embassy in Washington who became king of a small fishing village in Ghana. King Peggy cleared out the corrupt... (read more)

  "interesting"by KATHY R. (see profile) 10/17/12

this book reminds me very much of the main character in the Ladies #1 Detective Agency. She is the real life version. We have a travel book club, and our club found this an interesting read.

  "King Peggy"by Linda N. (see profile) 10/17/12

An autobiographal book the is happening now. One person can makea difference.

  "Great Read"by Jane B. (see profile) 07/28/12

I saw King Peggy on David Lettermen and she was adorable! The book is wonderful.

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