To Kill An Armchair Husband: a dark comedy
by Terri Weeding
Paperback : 280 pages
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Once upon a time there lived a happy and satisfied wife named Charlene Score. Her husband Billy was the perfect prince: kind, loving, and very lusty. But then one day, POOF! He morphed into a big, old lump. To make matters worse, he started torrid affairs with not one, but three sexy mistresses: a leather armchair, a big screen TV, and ESPN. Charlie is heartbroken and growing angrier by the minute. She's tried everything, but her husband refuses to change back. What's a wife to do? Divorce won't cut it, too messy and expensive. Besides, how will she ever get him out of the arms of THAT chair? Only one drastic option remains-Murder. But she's having a little trouble...Billy just won't die.
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