The Jane Austen Book Club (Audiofy Digital Audiobook Chips)

Published: 2005
Cards : 0 pages
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This Audiofy audiobook chip packs Kimberly Schraf's one hour reading of "The Jane Austen Book Club" on a tiny memory card. A single Audiofy audiobook chip, hardly larger than a stamp, holds a complete digital audiobook, and saves the last listening position automatically, unlike CDs. With an SD ...
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This Audiofy audiobook chip packs Kimberly Schraf's one hour reading of "The Jane Austen Book Club" on a tiny memory card. A single Audiofy audiobook chip, hardly larger than a stamp, holds a complete digital audiobook, and saves the last listening position automatically, unlike CDs. With an SD memory card slot or low-cost adapter - like those for digital cameras - this Audiofy audiobook chip can be played on Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh desktop computers or laptops (Microsoft Windows XP/2000/Me/98, or Apple Mac OS X 10.3.9 and above) or transferred to Apple iPod media players. Audiobook chips also move seamlessly to most Palm OS and Pocket PC handheld PDAs with SD expansion slots, as well as Treo and Windows Mobile "smartphones" (Palm OS 5.2 or Windows Mobile 2002 and above)... A sublime comedy of contemporary manners, this is the novel Jane Austen might well have written had she lived in 21st century California. Nothing ever moves in a straight line in Karen Joy Fowler's fiction, and in her latest, the complex dance of modern love has never been so devious or so much fun. Six Californians join to discuss Jane Austen's novels. Over the six months they meet, marriages are tested, affairs begin, unsuitable arrangements become suitable, and love happens. With her finely sighted eye for the frailties of human behavior and her finely tuned ear for the absurdities of social intercourse, Fowler has never been wittier nor her characters more appealing. The result is a delicious dissection of modern relationships. Dedicated Austenites will delight in unearthing the echoes of Austen that run through the novel, but most readers will simply enjoy the vision and voice that, despite two centuries of separation, unite two great writers of brilliant social comedy.

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Uninteresting and unbelievable"by Kathy E. (see profile) 09/18/08

My group did not like any of the characters in Fowler's book. We found them very unconvincing. For example the lesbian who had a passion for men in romance novels, and the lady who had creepy male experences.... (read more)

  "A group of women and one man meet for six months to discuss the Jane Austen novels--but the book centers around the lives of the members of the groups--their lives and how the group dynamics effect th"by Carrie M. (see profile) 09/20/07

Many of the members felt it was a either a boring or difficult read. Perhaps, with more knowledge of Jane Austen novels the book would have been appreciated.

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