Donny and Ursula Save the World
by Sharon Weil

Published: 2013-02-28
Paperback : 298 pages
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Donny and Ursula Save the World is the funniest book about love, sex and GMO seeds you’ll ever read! In this wild-romp, sex-charged, romantic-mishap adventure, hopelessly mismatched lovers, Donny and Ursula, become unlikely heroes compelled beyond their mere neurotic existences. When an ...
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Donny and Ursula Save the World is the funniest book about love, sex and GMO seeds you’ll ever read! In this wild-romp, sex-charged, romantic-mishap adventure, hopelessly mismatched lovers, Donny and Ursula, become unlikely heroes compelled beyond their mere neurotic existences. When an agribusiness giant threatens to control the world’s food supply through their toxic, terror-proof, GMO Freedom Seeds, Donny and Ursula team up with guerrilla gardeners, belly dancing feminists, gun-crazy survivalists, comic book heroes and mushroom messengers to become the outlaw defenders of Mother Earth, and rise up and save the day. This is the story of one woman’s seismic awakening, and how she came to save us all.

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When Ursula turned off the music, she heard a very loud, very insistent banging. Peeved at whoever it was who needed her so urgently he had to nearly break down the door, she chinga-chinga-chinga’d and swish-swished across the floor of the living room to answer whoever the bejeezus it was. She had taken up belly dancing as a way to locate her misplaced feminine, and every sparkly coin that hung from every angle or mound of her jangled as she walked—part shuffle, part float. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Donny and Ursula Save the World uses humor to explore some pretty serious subjects; the end of the world, the corporate control of food, women who are missing out on the fun of being fully human. Can we really joke about such things? What is the value or purpose of humor? How was it used in telling this story?

2. What were your favorite moments in the story? What was something new you didn’t know before?

3. Who were your favorite characters, and why? Do you see yourself in any of them?

4. The playful premise of Donny and Ursula Save the World is that Eros, that shimmering spark of life force, underlies and motivates all human behavior. Not just sexual expression, but it motivates curiosity, and fuels the excitement and desire that can lead to action. Or, it can dissolve fear. How were each of the characters in this book motivated by their Eros, desire, or passion? Where has your passion led you in your life?

5. “THIS is the story of an orgasm…” What is the series of awakenings that Ursula had? What was the first one that led to all the others? How did “unlocking her pleasure” lead to “unlocking her power?” What happened to her hips?

6. Donny loved comic book heroes. What were the changes that Donny experienced that led to his heroism? Was it within him all along? Can you imagine what your own personal heroism might look like? What are some of the causes that you would want to champion, if only you had a little more courage, time, money…

7. How are rebels and lovers alike? What is the courage that is needed for either, or both?

8. Have you ever taken a big leap in the name of love? What was it that compelled you? Did you have a soft landing, or fall flat on your face? Would you do it again?

9. Ursula tells Donny, “You are what you eat.” What role does food play in this story? How does each character’s relationships to the foods they eat define them? What is your own relationship to food, and how does it reflect and effect who you are?

10. Who is M.Earth, and how can she be so blasé? What is her interaction with the seeds, insects, mushrooms, mycelium and the cycles of extinction? How did her seismic activity relate to Ursula’s? How are they all connected?

11. “Could it actually be that the mushrooms have orchestrated this romance in order to get themselves moved around the world?” What was the role that the mushrooms and the mycelium played in the story? If this book were called The Mushrooms Save the World, what would their story be? What would the story be if told from each of the character’s point of view?

12. What would you do if you were made an outlaw for growing a garden, or even a houseplant? If your freedom was threatened? If your food was restricted and rationed? What do you know about seeds, farming, and GMO’s (genetically modified organisms)? Would you like to know more?

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