The Faraday Girls: A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
by Monica McInerney
Kindle Edition : 578 pages
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From internationally bestselling author Monica McInerney comes a captivating and ...
BONUS: This edition contains excerpts from Monica McInerney's Lola's Secret, At Home with the Templetons, Family Baggage, The Alphabet Sisters, Greetings from Somewhere Else, and Upside Down Inside Out.
From internationally bestselling author Monica McInerney comes a captivating and charming new novel of family secrets, the loyalty of sisters, and the power of redemption.
As a child, Maggie Faraday grew up in a lively, unconventional household with her young mother, four very different aunts, and eccentric grandfather. With her mother often away, her aunts took turns looking after her–until, just weeks before Maggie’s sixth birthday, a shocking event changed everything.
Twenty years later, Maggie is living alone in New York City when she receives a surprise visit from her grandfather Leo, who brings a revelation and a proposition: He’s preparing a special gift for his daughters and needs Maggie’s help. When the Faradays gather from all parts of the world to celebrate Christmas in July–a longstanding tradition–Maggie uncovers unexpected family history and learns that the women she thought she knew so intimately all have something to hide.
Written in McInerney’s trademark warm, heartfelt prose, The Faraday Girls is a sweeping and affecting family saga.
Chapter 1Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
The day the Faraday family started to fall apart began normally enough.
Juliet, at twenty-three the oldest of the five Faraday sisters, was first into the kitchen, cooking breakfast for everyone as she liked to do. This morning it was scrambled eggs, served with small triangles of buttered toast. She added parsley, diced crispy bacon and a dash of cream to the eggs, with a sprinkle of paprika as a garnish. She also set the table with silver cutlery, white napkins, a small crystal vase with a late-blooming red rose from the bush by the front gate and a damp copy of the Mercury that had been thrown over the fence before dawn. The big earthenware teapot that had once belonged to their grandmother had center place on the table, resting on a Huon pine pot holder that sent out a warm timber smell as it heated up. ...

Discussion Questions
1. The five Faraday sisters have very distinct personalities. Which did you get to know best through the course of the novel? Whom did you identify most with?2. Why do you think Sadie has so much trouble fitting in with her family? Is she simply a lost soul, or does her family situation exacerbate her problems? Do you think her drastic action at the end of Part One was at all justified?
3. Early in the narrative, when discussing Leo with her sisters, Miranda states “Sometimes I think he enjoys it, you know. It’s like he’s been cast in a lead role, as the eccentric brave father of five little motherless girls” (page 19). Do you think her assessment of Leo is correct and fair? Does Leo, as Gabriel later states, exert an unhealthy control over his daughters, even with the best intentions?
4. Why do you think Leo idolizes Tessa so greatly? Do you agree with Gabriel that her beauty may have played a large part in his attraction? Have you ever found yourself in love with a person who may not be the best match?
5. Do you believe each of the five Faraday sisters would have turned out differently if their mother had been alive to raise them through adulthood?
6. The traumatizing events Maggie experiences send her into a huge tailspin. Anyone would be traumatized, but why do you think she is so extremely affected by what happened? Do you think her reaction has anything to do with how she was brought up?
7. Family rituals, such as the Faraday Christmases in July, play an important role in this novel. In which ways do these traditions strengthen the Faraday family relations, and in which ways do they strain them?
8. Maggie makes the important decision to keep the family secret she’s discovered to herself. What would you have done under the same circumstances? Do you believe the truth is sometimes better left unknown?
9. Nearly every character in The Faraday Girls romanticizes their past. In each case, how has this process hampered a sense of reality? Does sentimentality ever help any members of the Faraday family?
10. Aside from the way she was raised, how is Maggie’s relationship with her mother unconventional? How is Maggie similar to Clementine, and how is she different? Explore the breakthrough they have in their emotional conversation toward the end of the novel.
11. As an outsider, Gabriel is the only person who can point out and clarify the Faraday family dynamics to Maggie. Have you ever been in the situation of gaining new perspective on your family? How have your own family dynamics changed over the course of your life?
12. How has the Faraday family as a whole changed by the end of the novel? Do you think Leo, the sisters, and Maggie are closer? How do they understand one another better?
Notes From the Author to the Bookclub
A CONVERSATION WITH MONICA McINERNEY RC: With its themes of family estrangement and betrayal, The Faraday Girls is more emotionally intense than your previous novels. Did you set out to write a more serious book, or did it naturally evolve this way? Monica McInerney: I let the subject matter lead me, in many ways. My starting point for The Faraday Girls was simple–I wanted to explore the relationship between nieces and aunts and the impact that particular bond can have on our lives. As I began to write the story of Maggie and her four aunts, though, I found myself stepping out into deeper water, thinking and writing about not just the idea of aunts but the whole theme of motherhood and children–the idea of good mothers, bad mothers, those who want to be a mother but discover it’s not possible, those who choose not to be mothers. The more I wrote, the more questions I found myself facing. What would it be like to feel like a stranger in your own family? Is it possible to reinvent yourself? Can you ever leave your family behind? When–if ever–is it right to lie to your family? I’m also intrigued by the impact of past events on present-day life in families, how decisions made years ago can resurface and cause great ripples or damage, or sometimes lead to greater understanding and closer relationships. Those ideas are at the heart of The Faraday Girls, and I also explored them in Family Baggage and The Alphabet Sisters. I find family life such rich material for fiction–every family, real or fictional, is an emotional ecosystem, each member reliant on one another in some way. RC: The Faraday sisters’ relationships are so realistically and vividly drawn. Did growing up with a number of siblings help you create these characters and shape their interactions? Is any part of this novel autobiographical? MM: Growing up in a big family (I’m one of seven children) has definitely made its mark on me as a person and as a writer. I’m the middle child, which I think helped me become an observer–I had people above and below me to watch and interact with, and I could easily go unnoticed, too. I do try hard not to use any elements from my own family life in any recognizable way in my novels, though, to keep it as fiction not memoir. That said, I know firsthand what it’s like to be in a room with many siblings and feel the snip-snap of conversation, the teasing, the quick remarks which can also turn from light into shade in an instant. All of those experiences fed into the scenes between the five Faraday sisters. The actual events in the book aren’t autobiographical, but the emotions behind them are. I know how it feels within–and outside–a family to share times of great fun, happiness, camaraderie, but equally, I’ve experienced loss, pain, jealousy, anger, grief and sadness. I wanted to portray all the different ways we interact with the people in our families, from the older members to the youngest, and how one event years before can impact on family members many years later. RC: The novel shifts between many different points of view. Which character do you personally identify with most? Which was the easiest to create, and which the most difficult? MM: I actually identified with all of them. I enjoyed Miranda very much, though I did wince sometimes at her wit and casual cruelty. I related to Juliet’s tendency to mother, Eliza’s need to keep herself separate and private, Clementine’s self-sufficiency, and even Sadie’s hurt and feeling of isolation. I really liked Maggie, too–her earnestness, her courage, and her loyalty. In a big family–in all families–the landscape shifts and changes and so do the relationships and personalities within that group. I wrote many scenes involving the Faradays which didn’t end up in the final book but which helped me understand each of their characters. Once I’d done that, each of the sisters, as well as Leo and Maggie, felt so real to me that I knew exactly how each of them would react or behave in any situation I placed them. There were times in the writing where I felt like I was watching it all unfold, rather than being the person making it happen. RC: The Faraday Girls takes place in many far-flung areas of the world, including Australia, Ireland, Singapore, and the United States, and travel is an important part of all of your novels. Can you explain why this is? MM: A quick version of my biography is probably the best answer here! Since I left my hometown in the Clare Valley of South Australia as a seventeen-year-old, I’ve moved nearly twenty times, living and working all around Australia, in London, and in Ireland. For the past sixteen years my Irish husband and I have moved back and forth between Australia and Ireland and we’ve also traveled extensively through Asia, Europe, and the United States. I know so well the feeling of arriving in another country, either to start a new job or life, or just on holiday: There’s excitement, fear, anticipation, and so many other feelings at the same time. It’s rich emotional ground for fictional characters, too– taking a person out of their usual surroundings and dropping them into a new city or country and seeing what unfolds and how they react. As a child growing up in a small town in South Australia, my first experience of other countries was through the pages of books. I read about English villages, American cities, imagined myself in snow (even while I was experiencing scorching Australian summers); I loved being taken into other landscapes through the pages of a book and I love to do that with my own writing now. RC: You spent last summer touring Australia as the keynote speaker for the Books Alive campaign. Can you tell us a little about this program and your experience? What was the most rewarding element for you? MM: The Books Alive campaign is an annual Australian government initiative to encourage all Australians to read more. As the “ambassador” for the 2006 promotion, I wrote a short novel called Odd One Out which was used as a giveaway book in conjunction with a selection of 50 Great Reads–a terrific selection of Australian and international books: thrillers, fiction, crime, history, science, memoirs, fantasy and children’s stories. During the five-week campaign I traveled to every state and territory of Australia, visiting more than twenty-five cities and towns to give talks in bookshops, libraries, and schools about the importance and especially the joy of reading. It was a wonderful experience–I met and did talks with many other authors and had the opportunity to talk about books and share reading tips with people of all ages all over the country. That was the most rewarding element for me–to be in a position to share my love of books and all they offer, and to be part of a campaign designed to encourage a love of reading. RC: What authors or books have influenced your work? Are there any authors you admire and emulate? MM: I’m sure that every book I read influences me in some way. I read a great deal and have done since I was a child. I average three books a week, from all genres. I’ve many favorite authors and books, including Laurie Graham, John le Carre, Patricia Highsmith, David Sedaris, Tim Winton, Joanna Trollope, Garrison Keillor, Adriana Trigiani, Rosamunde Pilcher, and classic books like Jane Eyre, Anna Karenina, and Little Women. I don’t think I can say that one particular author has influenced me, or that I try to emulate any one writer, either. With each book I write I feel more confident that I am finding my own voice. As a reader, I love it when I feel like I am part of the book, in the rooms with the characters, hearing their dialogue, feeling and seeing what they are going through. I want to care about the characters. As a writer, I want to create that same mood, by writing fast-moving, entertaining but also emotionally charged stories with recognizable characters. The loveliest feedback is when I hear from someone who has read my books and felt that they were part of the family in the story, and that they missed them after they’d finished the book. RC: What are you working on next? MM: I have three or four ideas for my next book bubbling away and I’m waiting to see which one wins. I’ve also had an idea for a TV series that I’d like to explore, and an idea for a children’s book that I’d like to write. My husband and I want to do lots more traveling too–one of the ideas I have for the next book involves several different countries so our next trip is going to be more research than holiday, I suspect.Book Club Recommendations
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