Breeding in Captivity: One Woman's Unusual Path to Motherhood
by Stacy Bolt

Published: 2013-09-03
Hardcover : 192 pages
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Breeding in Captivity takes us on Stacy Bolt’s journey to have a child at "advanced maternal age," first with the help of a Really Expensive fertility specialist, and then ultimately through a local adoption agency. But this isn’t your typical serious memoir about struggling with ...
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Breeding in Captivity takes us on Stacy Bolt’s journey to have a child at "advanced maternal age," first with the help of a Really Expensive fertility specialist, and then ultimately through a local adoption agency. But this isn’t your typical serious memoir about struggling with infertility; it’s an entertaining, witty read that perfectly balances humor with its more poignant moments.
Breeding in Captivity is about a quirky, lovable couple that you root for through their fertility struggles and adoption adventures. It's about the hundreds of Internet message boards where annoyingly perky women from Kappa Alpha Fruitcake refer to sex as "babydancing" and sprinkle virtual "baby dust" on each other. It’s about meeting birthmothers and deciding on open adoptions. It’s about being chosen and then having a birthmother change her mind. But ultimately, it’s about hope, how life can surprise you, and laughing through the insanity.

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It started at the rehearsal dinner. The freaking rehearsal dinner. We weren’t even married yet and Dave’s Uncle Larry was shouting from one end of the long banquet table to the other, “When’re ya gonna pop out some babies?” I was always a big fan of Uncle Larry. He was equally adept at drinking and dancing and, as a result, I always had a great time with him at other people’s weddings. But at that moment, I wanted to punch him in the throat. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. The book talks a lot about how other people react to someone who is dealing with infertility. Do you feel like you gained any insight on how to talk to someone who is struggling to get pregnant? Have you personally experienced any of the situations the author talks about?

2. Stacy and Dave made a decision to stop short of in-vitro fertilization. Do you think that was the right decision? Or should they have kept going?

3. In Chapter 18, Dave tells Fran that he believes Wendy and Josh “played” the agency, meaning they were never serious about going through with the adoption. Do you agree with that? Why do you think Wendy and Josh ultimately “chose to parent”?

4. What did you think of Stacy and Dave’s decision not to adopt Cathy’s baby? What would you have done?

5. How does Breeding in Captivity change (or not change) your opinions about adoption? Infertility treatments? What decisions would you have made if you were in Stacy and Dave’s shoes?

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