Anvil of God: Book One of the Carolingian Chronicles
by J. Boyce Gleason
Paperback : 440 pages
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It is 741. After subduing the pagan religions in the east, halting the march of Islam in the west, and conquering the continent for the Merovingian kings, mayor of the palace Charles the Hammer has one final ambition-the throne. Only one thing stands in his way-he is dying. Charles cobbles together a plan to divide the kingdom among his three sons, betroth his daughter to a Lombard prince to secure his southern border, and keep the Church unified behind them through his friend Bishop Boniface. Despite his best efforts, the only thing to reign after Charles's death is chaos. His daughter has no intention of marrying anyone, let alone a Lombard prince. His two eldest sons question the rights of their younger pagan stepbrother, and the Church demands a steep price for their support. Son battles son, Christianity battles paganism, and Charles's daughter flees his court for an enemy's love. Based on a true story, Anvil of God is a whirlwind of love, honor, sacrifice, and betrayal that follows a bereaved family's relentless quest for power and destiny.
CHAPTER 1Charles Arrives
Quierzy AD 741
Stepping into the darkness of the stairwell, Sunni inhaled the musty scent of aging stone and stretched out her hand as a guide. Although the stairs were steep, she climbed with ease, having made this journey to watch for Charles every night since her husband left for Narbonne. ... view entire excerpt...
Discussion Questions
1) Did women in the eighth century time really play such an important political role as they do in Anvil of God?2) Based on the descriptions in the book, how do the mores of the two religions (pagan and Christian) compare?
3) Carloman plays a powerful role in the book, but is he, as a character, strong or weak?
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