Death By Moonlight
by Virginia Dyer Vogt
Paperback : 376 pages
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Death By Moonlight is a double mystery. Two terrible crimes mirror each other across nearly two centuries, and both must be solved to rescue a young girl threatened by an age-old evil. At the heart of this contemporary novel is an infamous crime that occurred in a small New Jersey town in the early nineteenth century. A suspect was captured and suffered a particularly brutal public execution. However, the trial record hints at historical headwinds and human weaknesses that may have predetermined the verdict. These dark currents swirl around Anya Gregory, a beautiful young performance artist born with a rare sensibility to events both past and present. Anya possesses an uncanny way of knowing things outside her experience. This unbidden knowledge insinuates itself into her increasingly vivid and violent dreams. But why should Anya’s dreams of long ago make anyone uneasy? Perhaps it is because the more things change, the more they remain the same – as history so often demonstrates. As the past leaks into the present, Anya Gregory becomes the focus of the secret desires and fears of many of those around her. There are some who want to help Anya, but there are others who wish to end her pursuit of the truth at any cost. Death By Moonlight is a deeply satisfying read, rich in character, plot, and action – it will keep the reader turning pages until the final revelation.
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