Seoul Sweet Seoul 2nd Edition (The definitive guide to Seoul, South Korea)
by Elizabeth Shim, Allie H. Yoo

Published: 2011-11-28
Kindle Edition : 158 pages
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Ladies and discerning gentlemen - This is a must-have guide for the modern, independent woman to Seoul, South Korea. This book will enable travelers and visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the culture from the perspectives of two Korean American writers. The book was written with a ...
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Ladies and discerning gentlemen - This is a must-have guide for the modern, independent woman to Seoul, South Korea. This book will enable travelers and visitors to gain a deeper understanding of the culture from the perspectives of two Korean American writers. The book was written with a humorous approach, merging the writers' experiences and backgrounds to share everything the authors wished they knew as young women in Asia's new culture destination that's so hot and sizzling right now, there's no question why it's called Seoul. It's a tell-all, no-holds-barred exposé of Korean culture but one with a good heart. It's all about the things they feel people traveling to Seoul should know.

The book has frank writer interviews, the latest information along with hot-spot recommendations, and cultural dos and don'ts. From the must-need information of where to eat, where to shop, to bizarre foods, with this guide in hand you'll be navigating Seoul and Korean culture in no time. The authors even have a section where Korean culture is put into context through a dissection of K-pop. There's also inspiring advice and words of been-there, done-that wisdom for going to a country you've never been to, but always wanted to go.

If you're still saving up for that trip to Seoul from years ago, this book will give you a glimpse of the city and beyond, so you can learn more about the culture and the way it works. You'll hopefully gain a deeper understanding and appreciation, so you can live, discover, and enjoy Seoul to the fullest, and do it all while entertained! (For more Seoul Sweet Seoul follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, or Twitter.)

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