
1 review

I Am Livia
by Phyllis T. Smith

Published: 2014-05-01
Kindle Edition : 391 pages
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Her life would be marked by scandal and suspicion, worship and adoration…

At the tender age of fourteen, Livia Drusilla overhears her father and fellow aristocrats plotting the assassination of Julius Caesar. Proving herself an astute confidante, she becomes her father’s chief ...

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Her life would be marked by scandal and suspicion, worship and adoration…

At the tender age of fourteen, Livia Drusilla overhears her father and fellow aristocrats plotting the assassination of Julius Caesar. Proving herself an astute confidante, she becomes her father’s chief political asset—and reluctantly enters into an advantageous marriage to a prominent military officer. Her mother tells her, “It is possible for a woman to influence public affairs,” reminding Livia that—while she possesses a keen sense for the machinations of the Roman senate—she must also remain patient and practical.

But patience and practicality disappear from Livia’s mind when she meets Caesar’s heir, Octavianus. At only eighteen, he displays both power and modesty. A young wife by that point, Livia finds herself drawn to the golden-haired boy. In time, his fortunes will rise as Livia’s family faces terrible danger. But her sharp intellect—and her heart—will lead Livia to make an unbelievable choice: one that will give her greater sway over Rome than she could have ever foreseen.

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

What character did you relate to the most and why? Would you ever leave your children for another man? Why do you feel that Livia was different from her sister? How do you think Livia changed female leadership in Rome, especially where women were not c
Livia was a strong leader. Do you see any parallels between Livia and women today? Why do you think there were so many rumors about Livia and her life?
Why was the relationship between Anthony and Cleopatra so upsetting to Octavia? In your opinion did Livia kill family members to guearantee her son, Tiberius, to rule after the death of Octavianus? Why do you think that Livia's first husband, Tiberius N
by teachgiftedkids (see profile) 10/01/16

Which character did you relate to the most and why?
Did you agree with Livias decision to leave her children for Octavian?
Why do you think Livia and her sister were so different?
by Ronae (see profile) 06/08/14

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Book Club Recommendations

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "I Am Livia"by Tricia D. (see profile) 10/01/16

If you're into historical fiction of ancient times, you'll probably like this novel. I knew nothing of Livia and I actually knew very little of the history of Rome. This book definitely gave me a new... (read more)

by CHELLE B. (see profile) 09/20/16

  "I am Livia"by Gerrie A. (see profile) 10/27/14

Could not stop reading it...

by Laura S. (see profile) 07/17/14

by Mary B. (see profile) 06/18/14

  "I Am Livia"by Ronae H. (see profile) 06/08/14

This book was eye opening to the role women played in ancient Rome. I was fascinated by the thought process and morals of the age.

  "Surprisingly good"by Linda M. (see profile) 06/07/14

I loved the story and was amazed how the characters drew me in! I don't usually read stories set in ancient times but the writing gave a current and relevant feel to historic people!

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