Geriatricks 1: a) Maddie's UXB b) Tobias's Cattle c) Henry's Brolly d) Rotary Rendezvous (a poem)
by Derek G Mynard
Kindle Edition : 272 pages
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Old Folk? Old folk, wearing tartan slippers, trammelled into the backwater of a comfy armchair in front of the tele? “Sit down GrandMa, I’ll get you a nice cup of cocoa”. Oh yes, this is the lot of many geriatrics these days. When these out-of-sight ‘oldies’ do grope for a cane to stand up on shaky legs and open their mouths, they are perceived as cantankerous, rude, gossipy and out-of-date: “Have another biscuit GrandPa.”
Born in times of war and adversity, these humble oldies remain canny, experienced and brave – they reminisce and remember! They are especially ‘up for it’ when confronted with challenges, problems or oppression that could seriously affect their ways of life, bring about financial difficulties, interfere with a colleagues’ welfare, even to destroy hard-earned reputations.
Geriatricks 1 has a cast of doughty, eccentric and humourous oldie characters who will just not ‘stay out of sight and sit quietly’. It unfolds as a series of novellas and poetry that will transport you into a world where ‘old ‘uns’ address or answer their call to duty! Will their devilish plots, ploys and whirlwind fightbacks confound, bemuse to eventually lead to the defeat of their adversaries, and bring about victory – or not?
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