Songs of Kiguli
by Kiguli Primary 2013

Published: 2013-10-12
Paperback : 238 pages
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Uganda is an African country with borders drawn by Western colonial powers that had little to do with the ancient ranges of tribal Africa. Thus, as in many African countries, those ancient tribal conflicts rage on. The continent is also stressed with droughts, disease and corruption. Effective aid ...
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Uganda is an African country with borders drawn by Western colonial powers that had little to do with the ancient ranges of tribal Africa. Thus, as in many African countries, those ancient tribal conflicts rage on. The continent is also stressed with droughts, disease and corruption. Effective aid is difficult for many reasons. In part, tribal passion runs deep on all sides, and supporting one tribe against another generates situations similar to the problem that arose in Afghanistan. The other is, of course, the difficulty of getting funds to where they are needed. In this atmosphere, it appears that those enterprises that help people to help themselves have the best chance of success: educating the children who will, one day, lead that country. The Kiguli Army School, in the Nakasongola District of Uganda, is one place where such education is being undertaken. The poetry project was started by the teacher, Philip Matogo, in his classes about English and Social Studies. The broad subject base of the works included in the book indicates that he does his job well. These bits and pieces of children's lives from half a world away show a clearunderstanding of their own political and social situation, as well as the global issues of our time. The book is a collection weaving quotes and poetry from ancient and modern poets of Western philosophy with the thoughts of children 11-17 years old. These children write from the eyes of a mosquito, the heart hungry for the knowledge, the heart running from abuse and social ills, the spirit looking for ways to improve life and their beloved country, and the spirit willing to fight back and build a better future. This little book is built with thoughts from halfway across the globe that could come from somewhere just around the corner, or somewhere deep within your own heart. You will find that these children are quite insightful. Their hopes and dreams, disappointments and fears are indeed thought provoking and very much in harmony with those of citizens living anywhere on this planet we call home. Now - we are off on a new adventure with a new classroom of students; some are returning artists.

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