One Perfect Spring: A Novel
by Irene Hannon

Published: 2014-05-06
Paperback : 384 pages
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Claire Summers is a determined, independent single mother who is doing her best to make lemonade out of the lemons life has handed her. Keith Watson is a results-oriented workaholic with no time for a social life. As the executive assistant to a local philanthropic businessman, he's used ...
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Claire Summers is a determined, independent single mother who is doing her best to make lemonade out of the lemons life has handed her. Keith Watson is a results-oriented workaholic with no time for a social life. As the executive assistant to a local philanthropic businessman, he's used to fielding requests for donations. But when a letter from Claire's eleven-year-old daughter reaches his desk, everything changes. The girl isn't asking for money, but for help finding the long-lost son of an elderly neighbor.

As Keith digs reluctantly into this complicated assignment, he has no idea how intertwined his life and Claire's will become--nor how one little girl's kindhearted request will touch so many lives and reap so many blessings.

Through compelling characters and surprising plot twists, Irene Hannon offers readers this tenderhearted story of family connections that demonstrates how life is like lilacs--the biggest blooms often come only after the harshest winters.

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Dear Mr. McMillan,
My name is Haley Summers. I’m 11 years old.

I saw your pixture in the paper from when you gave money to the childrens hospital. My mom said you do a lot of nice things for people. So I wanted to ask if you could do something nice for our friend next door. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

SPOILER ALERT: These questions assume you’ve already read the book.

1. One of the themes in this book is adoption. Given Keith’s background, did you feel his issues were legitimate, especially his need to prove his worth? Why or why not? What are some other challenges adoptees might face?

2. Do you know anyone like David who is—or was—a workaholic? What do you think drives that person? Why does it often take a dramatic event to make people reevaluate their choices?

3. When Claire meets Keith, she is immediately turned off because of his similarity to her ex-husband. Have you ever judged someone based on that sort of criteria? How did that affect your relationship going forward?

4. Claire’s bad experience with marriage has left her wary. How does Keith win her trust? Give some concrete examples.

5. David’s daughter, Debbie, resents her father. Do you think her feelings are appropriate, given their history? What does David do to try and repair the damage? Have you ever felt resentment toward a family member? Why? How have you tried to overcome that?

6. Debbie also resents Maureen at first. How does the older woman win her over? Cite some specific examples.

7. Both Claire and her father have financial challenges, which they handle on their own. But what are some of the ways money issues can cause problems in a relationship? What are some strategies for dealing with them?

8. Identify two qualities each for Claire, Keith, David, and Maureen that make them admirable.

9. At one point, David says it’s important to focus less on the past and future and more on making certain today counts. Do you agree? Why or why not?

10. Claire and Keith have both let their relationship with God lapse. Claire tells Maureen that she finds it hard to hear his voice and discern his direction. Do you ever have this problem? How do you deal with it?

11. Keith’s mother suggests he try to locate his birth mother, that speaking with her might help him deal with some of his issues and questions. Do you think adoptees should do this? Why or why not?

12. The night Keith finds Claire injured is a turning point in their relationship. Why? What happens internally as well as externally in that scene to make them both revise their opinions about the other?

13. Meeting Claire—and hearing Maureen’s story—gives Keith the impetus to initiate a search for his birth mother. Do you think it was important for him to do this? Why or why not?

14. What do you think about Maureen’s indiscretion many years ago? Can you empathize with how it might have happened? What are some of the reasons she might have fallen under Hal Wright’s spell?

15. Maureen wonders if she did the right thing giving up her child for adoption. Do you think she did? Why or why not?

16. Keith’s search for Maureen’s son is ultimately successful—but it doesn’t end the way anyone expects. Were you surprised by the outcome? Do you think it was still good that Maureen undertook the search? Why or why not?

17. After fretting about Keith’s distraction during a phone exchange, Claire calls him to discuss it. Her concerns are cleared up almost at once. What does this say about the importance of open, honest communication in a relationship? What are some hallmarks of good communication?

18. At one point, Maureen says that while she may not understand why the situation unfolded the way it did, God does. Do you sometimes have difficulty putting your trust in God? Is there a particular Bible verse that helps you with this challenge?

19. Did you think the later-in-life romance between David and Maureen was depicted realistically? Why or why not? Offer some examples from the book to back up your opinion.

20. Keith is completely stunned by his birth mother. What did you think of her? How did meeting her affect Keith?

21. Everything that happens in this book is triggered by Haley’s letter. Have you ever witnessed the ripple effect (good or bad) from a simple action? Describe the experience.

22. Who was the most interesting character for you? Why?

23. What was the most touching scene? Why?

24. Did you think the plot of One Perfect Spring was well constructed and credible, and the characters believable? Why or why not? Talk about your impressions of the book from a literary standpoint—its strengths and weaknesses. If you were the author, would you have done anything differently?

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