Heart of Gold
by Robin Lee Hatcher

Published: 2012-02-14
Kindle Edition : 304 pages
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The truest treasure is found deep in the heart.

Back in her beloved Virginia, Shannon Adair loved nursing injured soldiers back to health. But in Grand Coeur, Idaho—the rough-and-tumble place where her father has been called to lead the church—she's not sure where she fits in. Then a ...

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The truest treasure is found deep in the heart.

Back in her beloved Virginia, Shannon Adair loved nursing injured soldiers back to health. But in Grand Coeur, Idaho—the rough-and-tumble place where her father has been called to lead the church—she's not sure where she fits in. Then a critically ill woman arrives, and Shannon knows her place at last: to care for this dear woman and ease her pain.

Matthew Dubois is the fastest and most reliable stagecoach driver on Wells Fargo's payroll. But his widowed sister is dying and he's about to inherit his young nephew. So he takes a job at the Wells Fargo express office in Grand Coeur until he can find the one thing he needs to get back to driving: a wife to care for the boy.

What neither of them knows is that God is at work behind the scenes—and is lovingly bringing them together to discover the true desires of their hearts.

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Discussion Questions

1. In the beginning of the story, Shannon finds herself in a place she despises. Have you ever been somewhere that you’d rather not be? How did you handle your emotions? Did you ask God to help change your attitude?

2. A lifelong bachelor, Matthew struggles with the unexpected situation of taking in his sister and nephew. Have you ever encountered such an unplanned responsibility? Have family obligations ever required you to drastically alter your plans? If so, how did you deal with the changes?

3. Even in the face of death, Alice maintains incredible amounts of faith and courage. Have you ever known someone like Alice? When you encounter something frightening, how does God come to your aid?

4. According to Reverend Adair, every person is loved equally by God, no matter that person’s race or politics; and he hopes that one day the divided town of Grand Coeur can be united under his church’s roof. How do we let such differences get in the way of bringing people together? How can Christians work against the divisive forces of prejudice?

5. When Matthew discovers how sick his sister really is, he feels guilt for not being a better brother to her in the past. Have you ever regretted neglecting a friend or family member during their time of need? Is it possible to make up for lost time?

6. Though Shannon arrives in Grand Coeur as a Confederate sympathizer, she soon becomes close to people whose politics could not be more different from hers. Have you ever become friends with people with whom you completely disagree on some things? What do you think it means to “live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18)?

7. Reverend Adair is an example of one who prays without ceasing. How does his constant prayer impact his own life, as well as the lives of others in the story? How can we learn from such a model of faithfulness?

8. Upon first meeting Matthew and Alice, Shannon judges them harshly. Have you ever made a judgment about someone, only to befriend that person later? How does it feel to discover you’ve been wrong about that person all along?

9. Though Alice is at peace with her diagnosis, Matthew wanted to “argue with God” about it. Have you ever had difficulty finding peace with something you can’t understand? Why does God ask us to trust Him, especially when we can’t comprehend His will?

10. After Shannon and Matthew have broken off their engagement, Reverend Adair tells Shannon that “pride is cold comfort.” What does he mean by this? How does pride get in the way of healing broken relationships?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from author Robin Lee Hatcher:

Heart of Gold actually got its start in 1985 when I stumbled across information about Rebel sympathizers trying to steal the gold and silver coming out of the western states and territories. Prior to that, I hadn't given much thought to how the Civil War affected people so far from the actual conflict. In 2010, when my publisher requested an historical romance for my new Women of Faith release, that tidbit of history rose in my memory, followed soon by the characters of Shannon (a Southerner) and Matthew (a Westerner). Shannon is quick to judge those who don't think as she does and has some lessons to learn over the course of the story. The take away for readers: "Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but the Lord tests the heart." Proverbs 17:3

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