The Torment of Rachel Ames
by Jeff Gunhus

Published: 2015-10-21
Paperback : 180 pages
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Kindle version available November 10, 2015. Suffering from writer's block, novelist Rachel Ames escapes to a lake cabin to calm her mind and regain a sense of herself. The location is perfect. Isolated. Beautiful. Inspiring. It even comes with a good-looking landlord who shows an interest in her. ...
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Kindle version available November 10, 2015. Suffering from writer's block, novelist Rachel Ames escapes to a lake cabin to calm her mind and regain a sense of herself. The location is perfect. Isolated. Beautiful. Inspiring. It even comes with a good-looking landlord who shows an interest in her. But she can't shake the sense that something terrible has followed her to the lake, something just beyond her consciousness, something out on the edge where the sounds of a raging fire and sirens linger whenever she slows down to listen. Determined to make the cabin work, she tries to settle in and give her new life a chance. But when strange things begin to happen around her, she wonders if she's made a terrible mistake. As the darkness that's followed her manifests itself in inexplicable ways, her concept of reality is stretched thin and she realizes nothing at the lake is what it seems. As she fights to survive with her sanity intact, she understands too late that the location she's chosen for herself is far from perfect.

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Rachel Ames knows she’s making a terrible mistake, but that’s never stopped her before. Even as she speeds down the empty highway, she’s certain nothing good will come of this trip. She can’t say why she has this belief, only that it’s deeply rooted, part of a visceral animal instinct clawing away at her insides. Call it intuition. Or call it common sense, doesn’t matter. Can’t change the fact that it’s the truth. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. What was your overall emotional reaction to the novella?
2. Did you read The Torment of Rachel Ames in one sitting or a few? How do you think that affected your reading experience?
3. When did you start to suspect that things weren't as they seemed? What were your early suspicions about what was really going on?
4. Did you have any theories as to who Horace Granger really was? What were those theories? Did your any of your theories turn out to be correct?
5. There are several literary allusions in the novella given that Rachel is an author. What were some that you noticed?
6. How did the author foreshadow the torment Rachel was suffering from?
7. Did you expect the ending or did it throw you for a loop?
8. What two words sum up your reaction to the “twist?”
9. Is Rachel’s reaction to the events in her life realistic? Can you imagine coping with the experience she had?
10. What do you think happened to Rachel Ames after the story?

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