As High as the Heavens
by Kathleen Morgan
Published: 2008-01-01
Paperback : 368 pages
Paperback : 368 pages
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It is 1568 and Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned in Lochleven Castle. But her supporters, including noblewoman Heather Gordon, are planning a rescue. Heather travels to a cottage in the frigid Highlands to teach a simple manwho just happens to resemble someone with access to Lochlevenhow to act ...
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It is 1568 and Mary, Queen of Scots, is imprisoned in Lochleven Castle. But her supporters, including noblewoman Heather Gordon, are planning a rescue. Heather travels to a cottage in the frigid Highlands to teach a simple manwho just happens to resemble someone with access to Lochlevenhow to act the part of a nobleman in order to gain entry to the castle. But in the close quarters of the cottage there is more stirring than political rebellion. A suspenseful story of deceit and betrayal, love and secrets, As High as the Heavens will capture readers hearts.
Heather had no interest in awaiting the arrival of the two Highlanders. She already knew, even without Janet’s added verification, that Duncan would be handsome. She had spent enough time with Colin Stewart to have briefly fallen under that special influence of piercing, jade green eyes, chestnut brown hair, strong nose, and stubborn jaw to know whereof Janet spoke. But she was equally aware, for all his fine education and airs, the most noble of the two brothers was self-centered, arrogant, and lacked any depth of character. How much less impressive could the Highland-raised brother be, reared in nearly total isolation from everything that truly mattered? In the end, what counted wasn’t braw looks and trappings, but the heart and mind of the man. And, odds were, not much good ever came out of the Highlands. ...
Discussion Questions
Heather Gordon has enjoyed the privileges of 16th-century Scottish nobility her entire life, but she yearns for a more fulfilling existence. On the contrary, Duncan Mackenzie has never known life beyond the rugged Highland countryside and is perfectly content to keep it that way. So when the two are paired in a dangerous plot to rescue Mary, Queen of Scots, they both find themselves drawn together against their better judgment. But as the plot unfolds, they begin to wonder if there is more stirring among them than political rebellion. Are they willing to risk their lives—and their love—for queen and country?Discussion Questions
1. Heather Gordon had a privileged upbringing and is now going to live in the meager conditions of a small home in the Highlands. How do you think she will adjust? Do you think she has a good attitude about the move? How would you react in her situation?
2. This story raises questions about class issues. Are we born to one class of people or can we move between different classes during our lives? What makes someone high class while someone else is seen as low class? Have you ever looked down on someone from another background? Have you ever been judged for your class associations?
3. The story of the twin brothers raised in different circumstances brings up the issue of nature vs. nurture. How have their different upbringings contributed to who they are as adults? Are their differences completely explained by living apart? Or might they be intrinsically different?
4. Throughout this book the characters’ conceptions of what is noble are tested. What do you think makes someone noble? Blood? Actions? Something else?
5. Heather and Duncan both judge each other according to outer appearance and behavior when they first meet. How were they right about each other? How were their assessments wrong? What danger is there in developing a judgment of someone before getting to know them?
6. Loyalty is a pervasive theme in the book. Should we be loyal first to family, country, a particular group or party in a country (like Mary’s loyal supporters), God, ourselves, or something else? Who do you think was most loyal in this book? Least?
7. When Duncan finds out the truth of his parentage he feels lost and without a family. He doesn’t fully belong to either world. Have you ever felt that you didn’t belong?
8. Robert Gordon has apparently used his involvement in the plot to save Duncan as an excuse to play God. What do you think of his actions? Do you think there is any merit to his position? Or has he done an injustice to Duncan and Colin? When have you dealt with someone who is self-serving to the detriment of others?
9. Heather makes a decision about her relationship with Duncan that will change her life. Do you think she makes the right one? Do you think she can truly be happy with the life she’s chosen?
10. This story shows that life sometimes takes us places we don’t expect and that God can answer some prayer in surprising ways. How have you experienced a surprising answer to prayer? Do you think you are in control of your life? Why or why not? If not, who or what is?
Notes From the Author to the Bookclub
Dear Readers! People often ask what I want my readers to get from my books. The short answer is this: I want you to be entertained in that fast-paced, can’t put down style. And I do hope you can’t put this down! I’m a character and theme-driven writer. Both are so important in all my books. So I also hope you will be drawn to Heather and Duncan, the personal issues they face, and the struggles they overcome. May you be entertained and inspired! When you get a chance, drop me a note on my website at www.kathleenmorgan.com to tell me how you liked As High as the Heavens. Enjoy! Kathleen MorganBook Club Recommendations
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