Liberalism: The Genius of American Ideals
by Marcus G. Raskin

Published: 2003
Hardcover : 344 pages
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Contrary to those who believe that liberalism has descended into the dustbins of history, renowned political activist and social critic Marcus G. Raskin argues that there is no escape from liberalism. Against the empty-headed and mean-spirited conservative onslaught of recent times, ...
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Contrary to those who believe that liberalism has descended into the dustbins of history, renowned political activist and social critic Marcus G. Raskin argues that there is no escape from liberalism. Against the empty-headed and mean-spirited conservative onslaught of recent times, Raskin asserts and ably demonstrates how the liberal purpose is tied to human liberation and inclusivity for all people. For liberalism to succeed in a new century, it must reckon with its past mistakes--especially its reluctance to be bold. It must also embrace the inextricably interwoven character of morality and politics.

To this end, Raskin seeks no less than a new intellectual and spiritual covenant in the university, the political economy, and foreign policy. He shows how this is possible through a radical rethinking of America's role in the world including war avoidance and economic restructuring. He probes the tensions and limits as well as the promise of community, family, and technology. His text helps us recognize the potential of a new multiculturalism within American society and the important role that knowledge workers and specialists will play as change agents in a changed world.

Liberalism: The Genius of American Ideals traces Raskin's remarkable journey of the last fifty years through social and political action as well as thought. It is a book for people "in motion" who realize the importance of humane ideas in relation to action, aware not only that peace should be given a chance but that our best instincts must also be engaged through the reconstruction of our institutions. In the face of a new, distinctly uncompassionate brand of conservatism that has shuttered the doors to the very real world of struggle, alienation, and pain, Liberalism is intended to hold a candle in the window of this dark time.

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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions written by Mark Raskin:

1. How would you define a new stage of liberalism?

2. Does it include having or using nuclear weapons ?

3. Does it include spreading democracy around the world?

4. Does it include minimum and maximum incomes?

5. Does it include a reconstruction of the education and prison system?

6. Does it include a single pay or universal healthcare?

7. What should be privatized; what should be owned publicly?

8. On what, if any, part of your taxes should you get to vote? For example, education, defense, etc.

9. What special attention should be payed to women's rights?

10. Is equality a central tenet of liberal democracy?

11. Who is responsible for the protection of nature?

12. What controls, if any, over international corporations should be placed domestically and internationally, and if so, how?

13. What are the continuing issues of race in American life?

14. Is liberalism helped or hurt by multiculturalism?

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